Monday, July 20, 2009

Notes from July Guild Meeting

Treasures Report-Get info from Doris

Nevada State Fair
Amy first announced that after this year she is stepping down from being the chair of the Fair Project. It is time she said. The group will need to decide what direction our presence at the Fair will take. She is still looking for judges. Since there is no open sheep show at the Fair this year she hadn’t heard if there will be a lamb there for the name the sheep contest. There are very few books being printed for the fair this year. Mailed entries must be post marked by July 24. Online entries are due by 7/31 on-line here. (This is the index for the Handspun & Handwoven. You can see Rules & Regs, Categories and Entry Forms.)

Since the newsletter has moved to a blog format it is easier to add information and can be done more often. The minutes now can be added as soon as Sharon gets them. She requests that there be no special formatting to the minutes. It doesn’t translate well from Word to the blog.

Learning Tree-Barb and Mim
Barb informed us that she can no longer be committee co-chair but will be able to teach for us.
At the August meeting Mim will demo wet felting and we will be able to get our hands wet as well.

September, the theme for the retreat will be All Things Socks. This came out of a discussion about various ways to knit socks and people’s interest in learning new techniques. Barbara will be teaching magic loop and Sharon wanted to learn toe up. Heidi has picked up a new (to her) short row heal without wraps or yo’s she’ll willing to share. Bring your favorite technique or questions about socks and their construction.

For October and November we have two subjects but it will depend on Amy’s schedule as to which subject will be on which month. The two subjects are needle felting with Amy and Modular knitting with Nancy P. December as always is you Christmas meeting with a silent auction.

Weaving Study Group -Nancy P
We met at Marilyn Clarke's house and had a good time. Nancy put a warp on her loom using a warping wheel for tension. Heidi got her loom sleyed, and tied on and is ready to weave. Marilyn showed how to use a computer with a loom. The July meeting (July 25th) will be at Sharon’s house. The next project will be weaving cloth for garments. Lots of thing can be made from squares and rectangles.

Old Business
Last year it was brought up that maybe those folks who choose to camp at the spinners retreat should/would pay/donate $10 toward the cost of the site at Davis Creek. This item came up at a time when we were short of money and the County had changed their policy and wanted the rental costs up front instead of half in January and half right before. After a lively discussion it was decided that if a camper wanted to make a donation they could but there will not be a charge for overnight use.

A joint project by Lauren and Kathleen, Kathleen spun the yarn and Lauren knit it up.
Lauren did some stick weaving.
Nancy P. showed towels from the warp she put on her loom at the Weaving Study group. A freshly washed Merino fleece and a bottle of “Super Clean.” She gets this stuff from Walmart and adds about a cup to her “wash” water when she cleans a fleece. She is cold water washing these days and this stuff work great.
Libby had another pair of socks, in Alpaca.
Sharon - Towels and a pair of socks. She learned that not all tape measures are created equal.
Heidi showed off her newest wheel, a Louet Victoria with a Woolee winder. She also show us a new technique for spinning and plying Navajo on the fly on a drop spindle. More information on this technique is available here.
Eileen is spinning wolf fiber that she got from the Animal Ark. She is then knitting it up into small items to be sold at the Gift shop.

Meeting Adjourned.

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