Friday, January 31, 2020

Minutes January 2020

Guild Minutes-January 11, 2020

In Attendance: Lesli Godbe, Mimi Bullard, Connie Vann, Janice Johnson, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, Kaylee Thibedeau, Sandi Steele, Carol Lopez, Cindy Vogel, Gina Caudillo, Janice Hein, Bev
Perkins, Cate Bryson, Paulie Frisch, Ann Taylor, Sharie Jones, Michelle Stevens, Judy Wells, Heidi Ericson,
Doris Woloszyn, John Craig, Patti Novak-Echenique, Quinn Young, Cora Young, Nancy Pryor, Jo Van
Treasurer’s Report: We received dues for 4 members, paid for reserving our site for the Spinster’s
Retreat in September, and paid for coffee supplies. We had 45 members for 2019 and 5 members paid
for 2020.
Old Business: The Learning Tree for February will be Plying, presented by Gina C.
Black Sheep Gathering will be held in Albany, OR, June 26-28, 2020
Lambtown will be held in Dixon, CA, Oct. 3-4, 2020

Meeting will be held at Bartley Ranch Park Starting at 11 am.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

December 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes December 14, 2019

 In Attendance: Janet Schueller, Carolyn Thompson, Doris Woloszyn, John Craig, Nancy Pryor, Cindy Peterson, Sandi Steele, Bev Perkins, Gina Caudillo, Lindsey Doolittle, Janice Hein, Heidi Ericson, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, Jo Johnson, Mimi Bullard, Leslie Godbe, Sue Gottsacker, Alfred Hingiss, Jr., Jo Van Winkle

 Treasurer’s Report: We received 1 dues for 2020 and made a donation to the Celtic (Fair) Celebration, Inc. As of 12/13/2019 we have 45 members for 2019.

 Old Business: Learning Trees for 2020: January -Wheel Maintenance February-Plying March-Rigid Heddle Loom, Demo and Hands-On, try it out! April-Spring Mad Hatter Batt Party May-Janice Hein will show us how to make a felted decorative button/pin. Bring buttons, jewelry, and a 100% man’s silk tie from Savers, Goodwill, etc. June-Indigo dyeing at Mimi Bullard’s home July-OPEN August-Dyeing with Indigo plants with Kendra Iwahashi September-Davis Creek Campground- OPEN New Business: 2020
Officers President-Nancy Pryor Vice-President- Carolyn Thompson Treasurer- Doris Woloszyn Website Manager-Mimi Bullard E-mail- Bev Perkins Hostess-Gina Caudillo Secretary-Jo Van Winkle