Wednesday, December 9, 2015

November 2015 Minutes

November 14, 2015 Minutes Attendance: Carol Lopez, Christine Lopez, Hannah Woods, Gina Caudillo, Heidi Ericson, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Janet Schueller, Judy Wells, Angela Alter, Julie Svoboda, Virva Porcelli, Carrie Bleak, Jo Van Winkle, Margery McConaghy, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Mimi Bullard, Alyce Brown, Nancy Pryor Treasurer’s Report: As of 9/11/2015, the balance was $4063.73. We received $50 for 2 dues, $13. From the Retreat Silent Auction, and paid out $14.22 for photocopies of the Spindle Kit information sheet. Balance as of 10/2/2015 was $4112.51. We received $100 from the Washoe County Parks, the refund from the Retreat cleaning deposit, $100 from donations for 20 Spindle Kits from the Celtic Fair, $250 donation from the Celtic Celebration for our participation. The balance as of 11/13/2015 is $4562.51 with 50 members. Library Report: Heidi reported that the library is missing The Knitter’s Handy Book of Sweater Patterns, by Anna Budd, and the Popular Wheel Mechanics DVD by Judith Mackenzie. Please let Heidi know if you have these items. Nancy shared the book, Sequence Knitting, by Cecilia Campochiaro and recommended the guild buy this book for the library. This was voted on and approved. Old Business:
 New Business: Discussed keeping the Spinster’s Retreat the second weekend of September, this will be voted on at the Dec. meeting. Heidi will be the liason with the Celtic Fair Committee and will keep us updated on all the information. There is an ongoing discussion about when to hold our meeting in October. Discussed nominations for the 2016 officers. Hannah, Virva, and Jo are happy to continue in their positions if that is agreeable to everyone. This will be discussed and voted on at the December Meeting. Discussed $300 donation for Charitable Giving. The amount and recipient will be voted on at the Dec. meeting. CNCH will be held in Modesto, CA April 8-10th. They have lowered the price to what it was 10 years ago, $280 for members for the whole Conference. It will be $25. more for non-members. CNCH will be held at the Doubletree in Modesto, there will be an informal fashion show at the McHenry Museum and they want to do a yarnstorming of Modesto. Registration will be open Jan.3rd. For more information you may go to Please let Nancy or Hannah know if you are interested in attending. Nancy suggested planning your projects for the State Fair now. The Arboretum will be holding a Gingerbread House Contest on Dec.12th. House kits will be available at cost. New signs were discussed for the Guild. Job’s Peak’s signs were done for $14. Gina has a sign machine and she will be happy to do the signs. Hannah is researching sandwich boards and kid’s chalkboard stands were discussed. These ideas will be discussed and voted on at the Dec. meeting. Virva reported that the Ranger approved our meeting times for the next year at the School House at Bartley Ranch. She will check into reserving the School House for our October meeting, in case we decide to hold it there.
 Marilyn will put on a Color Study for the Learning Trees for 3 months. The first will will be on paint in Jan., Paint in Feb., and Yarn in Mar. The fees for these will be presented at the Dec. meeting. Marilynn asked that small margarine tubs with lids be brought to the meeting. Our December meeting will be a potluck, a sign-up sheet was passed around to have a more well-rounded menu. There will be an ornament exchange and a Silent Auction. Please bring any items for the Silent Auction to the meeting. All proceeds from the Silent Auction will be going to the Guild.
Next meeting is at the Bartley Ranch in the School House December 12th. Pot Luck and the Ornament Exchange.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

October 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes, October 3, 2015 In Attendance: Sandi Steele, Gina Caudillo, Heidi Ericson, Myna Kent, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Gina Iwahashi, Judy Wells, Alyce Brown, Hannah Woods, Nancy Pryor, Virva Porcelli, Jo Van Winkle. Several members reported on enjoying different events they had attended. Our meeting was 5 minutes long. We all enjoyed the Celtic Fair and our new location!

See you at the School House at Bartley Ranch Park Saturday November 14th!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 2015 Minutes

Fall Crocus
Guild Minutes September 12, 2015
In Attendance: Leslie Godbe, Margery McConaghy, Maxene Harlow, Marilynn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Eileen Jacobs, Doris Woloszyn, Heidi Ericson, Myna Kent, Julie Svoboda, Astrid Brown, Virva Porcelli, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Mimi Bullard, Alyce Brown, Cindy Vogel, Carol Lopez, Chris Lopez, Hannah Woods, Jenny Rader, Amy Shannon, Claudia Quarisa, Sandi Steele, Judy Wells
Hannah called the meeting to order. Approval of the August 2015 minutes was postponed until next month. Introductions were made.
Treasurer’s Report
Doris reported we have had no financial activity since August 7, 2015. Currently we have 48 members. The balance of our current assets is $4,063.73.
Library Report
Heidi had nothing new to report for the library.
Old Business
September 19, 2015 at South Valley Library, Hannah and Nancy Pryor will be demonstrating spinning. Hannah said there is room for four more spinners of any ability level. Alyce said she would be willing to also join them. They will be selling spindle kits. Doris said she had about 12 kits. Nancy said she has around 20 kits made and has roving available for the kits.
October 3rd and 4th we will be participating in the Celtic Fair at Bartley Ranch. Our regular monthly meeting will be held at this event on October 3rd at the regular time. We will be meeting at the bigger gazebo, which is between the Heritage House and the School House. A sign-up sheet was passed around for people interested in demonstrating on either Saturday or Sunday or both days. Lunch is being provided for people who are demonstrating. Hannah will help set up and take down. She said anyone is welcome to help with set up or take down, and if you are interested in helping, please contact her. Marilynn said she has an easy-up and white table she can bring. The event runs from 10 A. M. to around 4:15 each day.
Guild Shirts
Alyce Brown has made two different logo designs which she named spinning wheel 1 and spinning wheel 2. Spinning wheel 2 design is $1.00 more than spinning wheel 1. She can embroider the design on a variety of clothing from long or short sleeve T-shirts, polo shirts, or hoodie sweatshirts. There is a choice of colors for the clothing. It was the general consensus of the group that each person can select their own design, clothing type, and color. Alyce can be reached for placing orders at 775-351-6557 or e-mail her at
New Business
It was announced that Ashley had a baby girl. Congratulations and best wishes to the family!
Amy announced that Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. is UNR Field Day. It will be held this year at Valley Road Farms at the UNR Greenhouse Complex at 910 Valley Road. Let Amy know if you are interested in coming to demonstrate spinning. She will need to know as soon as possible in order to ensure enough space. She will put information on our Facebook site. Her e-mail is Set-up time is from 8-9 A.M. Registration is required for this event. To register, go to the website A table and chair are being provided, but you will need to bring your own chair if you plan to demonstrate. Lots of fun activities are planned.
There was no other new business. Heidi motioned the meeting be adjourned. Doris seconded. All agreed.
A show and tell period followed the meeting.

Minutes submitted by Judy Wells

Remember our meeting is the first Saturday October 3rd!!! Read information above. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

August 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes, August 8, 2015

In attendance: Margie McConaghy, Hannah Woods, Jenny Rader, Susan Palwick, Marilynn Clarke, Connie Vann, Doris Woloszyn, Virva Porcelli, Nancy Pryor, Gina Caudillo, Mimi Bullard, Carol Lopez, Cindy Vogel, Janet Schueller, M. Bayer, Maxene Harlow, Heidi Ericson, Carrie Bleak, Jo Van Winkle.

Treasurer’s Report:
As of July 10, 2015, our balance was $4,038.73. We received $25.00 in dues, making our balance now, $4063.73, with 48 members.

Library Report:
We now have a list of all our assets, thank you Heidi! We have added three new books, Techniques of Tablet Weaving by Peter Collingwood, Tablet Weaving Patterns by John Melarkey, and 100 Pin Loom Squares by Florencia Campos-Correa.

New Business:
The Spinster’s Retreat at Davis Creek Campground will be Sept. 11-13. There will be a potluck lunch on Saturday for the Guild Meeting. Please bring your own plates and silverware. There will be a Silent Auction so bring all of your for sale items! The Learning Tree will be Dyeing Silk Hankies. Virva has the hankies and Nancy Pryor will bring the dyes and other supplies, (the Guild will reimburse Nancy for these items).

Sharie Jones is moving to Sacramento, we will miss her so very much! She’ll only be a couple of hours away though, so we will be visiting!

Doris reported that the Border Collie Sheep Trials will be held September 21-26 in Alturas, CA. You can google the site for more information.

Nancy informed us that the Job’s Peak Fiber Guild holds their meetings at the Gardnerville Extension office on the 3rd Saturday of each month, from 10-12, if anyone would like to attend.

Old Business:
Virva and Doris reported that Gold Discovery Days, which coincided with the Craft Fair, had many activities and was lots of fun for the kids too.

Art Town was very successful, was lots of fun and we are looking forward to participating next year!

The State Fair was a very successful event with a great turn-out!

Our next meeting is on September 12th at Davis Creek. Campground  pot luck lunch

Monday, August 3, 2015

July 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes 7/11/2015

In attendance:
Jo Van Winkle, Sharie Jones, Heidi Ericson, Mimi Bullard, Margie McConaghy, Jenny Rader, Hannah Woods, Gina Caudillo, Alyce Brown, Marilyn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Doris Woloszyn, Nicole Kelly, Connie Vann

Treasurer’s Report:
$30.00 in dues were collected, $144.00 was collected for the sale of Nancy Grundy’s items. There were no expenses last month. Balance is $4038.73. Purchase of the book 100 Pin Loom Squares was approved.

State Fair entries are to be turned in by July 25th-26th. Please contact Nancy Pryor with any questions.

Plumas County Fair in Quincy, CA will be held Aug. 12-16.

Spinner’s Retreat, the Learning Trees will be on Dyeing and preparing and spinning bast fibers.

Jenny’s daughter has angora bunnies for sale.

Artisan Saturday will be held at the Washoe County South Valley Library on Sept. 19th. There will be more information on this at the next meeting.

Our August meeting is at the Arboretum at Rancho San Rafael
 Nancy will bring her sock blanks to the meeting this Saturday. The cost is $15.00 each, which includes the dye. We will be able to dye the blanks during our Learning Tree at the end of the meeting!

Monday, July 6, 2015

June 2015 Minutes

June 13 2015 at Marilyn Clarke,
 Went around with the introductions first. Present at the meeting were Margery Mc C. Marilyn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Susan Palwick, Janet Schueller, Connie Vann, Gina Caudillo, Doris Woloszyn, Heidi Ericson, Miriam Volpin, Patti O'Brien, Maxine Harlow, Julie Svoboda, Sharie Jones, Mimi Bullard, Hanna Woods and Virva Porcelli.
 Good turnout. Treasurer's report: As of 5/8/2015 we had $4,550.75. Dues paid and donations for the Taklies $75, minus library and other expenses $48.46. With Stephanie Gaustad's workshop and expenses our balance as of 6/12/2015 is $3,864.73 with 46 paid members.
 Keeper of the Books, Heidi reports she is working on getting "Monthly Library Box" for the meetings together. We have a lot of good new books and DVD.
 Old Busines Stephanie's workshop was a lot of fun, very productive and learned a lot. There was only 9 people. Unfortunately Many attendees had to cancel their participation for personal reasons. Spindle Camp at Lake Frances Resort with Foothill Fiber Guild in early June was lots of fun and the weather was perfect . Black Sheep Gathering coming up June 18-21st in Eugene, Oregon. Gold Discovery Days Plumas-Eureka state park near Graeagle July 18 & 19th, Spinning demonstration and lots of fun. Art Town Event at the Arboretum coming up Sunday July 26th from 9am till 12 noon. Booths and spinning. Nevada State Fair July 30th thru Aug. 2nd. Taking sign-ups for the Spinners' booth demonstration. Stephanie Gaustad judging fleece and fiber arts. Check the Fair web site for entrie information. "Free spinning" outside. Celtic Fair October 3&4th at the Bartley Ranch. Our October meeting is held at the Fair on the 3rd.
 New Business Craft Fair in Stagecoach August 22nd. Check with Gina for more info. "Urban Roots" school looking for volunteers to teach Fiber Stuff. July meeting at Mim's place on the 11th.
Workshop will be Dying Sock Planks, $10 each Sock Plank. Bring a chair. August meeting at the Arboretum. A Tree Tour possible for a "Work Shop". September Retreat at Davis Creek Park !!-13th, meeting Saturday the 12th. Work Shop will be dying silk hankies (donated by Nancy Grundi's family) and Cotton - Flax spinning. November meeting at Bartley Ranch 14th. Mad Hater's bat Party, bring your odd and end fibers and drum carders. December Christmas Party at Bartley Ranch. Meeting adjourned. Show and Tell, lunch and Indigo/matter/onion skin dying.

Driving Directions, do not use GPS they will take you on a wild ride!!!!!!!
Mim Bullard is in Rancho Haven: From Reno, drive north on Hwy 395 to the first Red Rock exit #78, after the Stead Blvd exit. Drive 20 miles to the Sierra Ranchos Valley, and take the first left (after Jeanette Miller’s alpaca ranch ) onto Arabian. It’s a dirt road but has a county sign. Drive up into the valley and turn left on Rancho, then continue several hundred yards and turn right on Thoroughbred. Mim is about two miles up and on the right – 455 Thoroughbred Circle. If you are coming in from California, the north Red Rock exit is 13 miles past the exit for Hwy 70 at Hallelujah Junction and only turns right. Continue four miles from the State line, past the volunteer fire house and turn right on Rancho, at mailbox central. There is a cell signal at the mail boxes. Mim’s number is 775-969-3249. You must use 775. Drive to first right and turn right on Rancho a second time, then continue several hundred yards and turn right on Thoroughbred. Mim is about two miles up and on the right – 455 Thoroughbred Circle.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

May 2015 Minutes

Guild minutes May 9 2015

At attendance: Hanna Woods, Eileen Jacobs, Margery , Nancy Pryor, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn,
Angela Alter, Virva Porcelli and Patti O'Brien.

Treasurer's report: As of 4/10 2015  we had $4,586.67 + $25 in dues. We paid out $60.92 for DVDs for the Library.
At 5/8 2015 the total $4,550.75 with 45 paid members.

No Library report.

Stephanie Gaustad's Cotton/Flax Workshop May 30 and 31 at Marilynn Clarke's home. Two cancelations, open spots. Hanna to sent an email to Mim to post on the blog and Virva to send an email to the Reno Fiber Guild to fill up the open spaces.

Upcoming events and dates:
Spindle camp June 3-7 2015 in Dobbins, ca.
Black Sheep gathering  June 19-21 2015 in Eugene, OR
Arboretum Art Town event July 26 from 9am till noon

Nevada State Fair July 30 - Aug. 1 at Fuji Park in Carson City. Deadline for entries July 27.
Stephanie Gaustad Judging. Check on line for the Fair Workbook. The contest entries can be picked up after the Fair
Sunday after 6pm or Monday

Celtic Fair at the Bartley Ranch Oct. 3-4 2015. We will have our October meeting at the Celtic Fair Oct.3rd.

Our next meeting will be at Marilynn Clarke's home  June 13th. The Learning Tree will be Indigo and Madder Dye baths. Please have your fiber/yarn wet and mordant with alum.
We are also going to have  few items for sale donated from Nancy Grundy's "stash".

July 11th meeting will be at Mimi Bullard's ranch. Learning Tree will be dying with onion skins. Between now and then you can save your yellow and red onion skins. More the merrier......

The Learning Tree at Doris was the new little lambs, especially the 6 days old feisty one.
Meeting adjourned. Show and tell

How too:

Mordant Wool: Weigh wool dry and clean as lanolin inhibits the dye. Soak fibers until thoroughly wet. Measure Alum Sulfate.10% Weight of fiber (WOF).  Dissolve Alum in a glass jar off boiling water stir well,this can take up to 15 min.Add to pot of enough warm water to cover fibers well but not too much water.  I:  use only distilled water. Add clean wet wool. Bring to a simmer over 35 to 45 min.Hold at 195 degrees farenheit  rotate fiber.r slowly and hold for 1 hr, longer does not matter. place pot with wool and mordant in a cool place for up to 5 days.Do not let fiber dry..Wool is ready to dye, rinse  before dying as mordant can taint a dye pot.Silk : use 15% Alum Sulfate,Cotton and Baste fibers use Alum  Acetate at 5%i rotate slowly. leave for 3 days to cool.Then dye.    

Driving Directions:    From the South-- Take HWY 395 to the McCarran off-ramp, turn left and follow McCarran WEST to Socrates, turn right and follow Socrates NORTH to Greenstone, turn left (WEST) for one block to Comstock, then turn right (NORTH) to the end of pavement. We are the second driveway (left) off the pavement.  From the North-- From HWY 395 take the North Virginia off-ramp and follow N. Virginia street southward just past McCarran Blvd to Comstock, then turn left  (NORTH) up Comstock to the end of pavement. We are the second driveway off the pavement. Address:  3503 Comstock Drive  - Telephone: 786-1709

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

April 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes 4/11/2015
In attendance:
Miriam Volpin, Alyce Brown, Heidi Ericson, Virva Porcelli, Jenny Rader, Sheila Young, Shana Dollarhide, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Myna Kent, Angela Alter, Bev Perkins, Marilyn Pearson, Margarita Swickard, Aliyah Seickard, GiGi Torres, Gina Caudillo, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Laurel Ballou, Sandi Steele, Judy Wells, Mimi Bullard, Carrie Bleak, Margery McConaghy, Jo Van Winkle, Nancy Pryor, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke

Treasurer’s Report:
Doris reported we had 4,466.67 as of 3/13/2015. With the addition of $120 in dues, our balance is $4,586.67 with 44 members.

Librarian’s Report: Heidi reported that the DVD, Popular Wheel Mechanics by Judith McKenzie is missing from the library. If anyone knows it’s whereabouts, please let Heidi know, thanks!

Old Business:
Virva reminded us that Farm Days at Fuji Park in Carson City will be held on April 16th and 17th with set-up at 8 a.m.

The Maker’s Fair will be held on May 30th , from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Discovery Museum. For more information go to

Update on Stephenie Gaustid’s Bast Fiber Workshop which will be held May 30th and 31st at Marilyn Clarke’s home: Nancy passed along the information that bast fibers are more difficult to spin on a double drive wheel. Nancy will bring the Guild’s Charka wheel to the workshop and it was suggested if anyone else has charkas to please bring them.

Virva reminded us that Spindle Camp will be held June 3-7th at Lake Francis, CA.

Reminder: Black Sheep Gathering, June 19-21st  .

Reminder- July 26th will be the Art Town event held in Honey’s Garden at Rancho San Rafael Park from 9-12. We may sell items and we don’t need business licenses. Heidi will bring our big Guild Banner to be hung on the covered bridge at the entrance to the garden.

Nevada State Fair-Nancy gave us an update on the State Fair which will be held July 30-Aug.2nd open from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. The deadline for entrants is June 20th and it is open to non-Nevada entrants. There will only be 4 people in the booth at a time as the area in the building for the demonstration is very small. There will be one person to spin, one to card, one to weave, and one to give information. All other spinners or weavers will be outside. Nancy will coo-ordinate the schedule of demonstrators from our Guild and the Job’s Peak Guild and the shifts will be 12-4 , and 4-8. Entry to the Fair is free. Open judging for the entries will be held on July 27th at 10:00. The pick-up times for judged items are Sun. evening or Monday from 8-3.

Our August Guild meeting will be held at the Arboretum at Rancho San Rafael, please bring your own chairs.

The Celtic Faire will be holding it’s 25th Anniversary, the first weekend of October, the 3rd and 4th . Our Guild meeting will be held at the Faire on Saturday, Oct. 3rd.

Here are directions to Doris's house. Have a great time!

Doris Woloszyn’s in Chilcoot, California. Hwy. 395 north from Reno, past Bordertown into California. Exit 395 at Hwy. 70 to Portola/Quincy, turn left on Hwy. 70 going west for about 2 miles. Turn left on Scott Road after crossing Long Valley Creek, before going up Beckwourth Pass. Scott Road is dirt, and after 4/10 mile to the railroad crossing you’ll pass 2 homes (stay left on main road, not right up the hill), the railroad tracks and creek will be on your left.

Continue south on Scott Road for one and a half miles to a small bridge over Scott Creek.
Another 4/10 mile to a large Cottonwood tree and the 3rd home, this is where the county stops grading the road so it’s a little rougher. Another 2/10 mile to several buildings on hill with SPRAGUE sign, but stay to left and pass the driveway. Next 3/10 mile the road curves from left to right up a small hill. Stay to the right at the fork, going up the hill and look for my 404-185 sign on a “rock jack” fence corner. This is where you turn right onto my driveway.

My driveway is 4/10 mile, first straight with a woven wire fence on the left and barb wire fence on the right, then at the next group of rock jacks curve right, down over the culvert and up hill to my house …cedar siding with a dark green metal roof and large wooden barn in back. Sounds complicated but there are very few places out here. I’ll try to put up some signs to help. Call 530-993-4296 if you have questions or need help.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

March 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes 3/14/2015 In attendance: C. Nelson (I couldn’t read her first name), Maxene Harlow, Sharie L. Jones, Virva Porcelli, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Myna Kent, Shana Dollarhide, Theresa Bennett, Connie Vann, Angela Alter, Mary B., Joline Yeager, Gina Caudillo, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Judy Wells, Janet Schueller, Hannah Woods, Heidi Ericson, Sheila Young, Nancy Pryor, Mimi Bullard, Carrie Bleak, Margery McConaghy, Jo Van Winkle Treasurer’s Report: Our balance as of 2/13/15 was $4,693.67. We took in $175. For dues for 7 members and paid out $402. For liability insurance. The balance as of 3/13/15 is $4,466.67 with 39 paid members. Old Business: Correction to February minutes, the Celtic Faire is held the first weekend of October, the 3rd and 4th. Our Guild meeting will be held in the Heritage Building on October 10th. This is subject to change if we participate in the Celtic Faire. Farm Days at Fuji Park in Carson City will be held on April 16th and 17th with set-up at 8 a.m. There will be two tables with “touchable” display items. There has been a date change for Stephenie Gaustid’s Bast Fiber Workshop. It will be held May 30th and 31st. The fee will be $35.72 to attend, please pay by the April Meeting. The materials fee is to be paid to Stephenie at the workshop. Virva reported Spindle Camp will be held June 3-7th at Lake Francis, CA. July 26th will be the Art Town event held in Honey’s Garden at Rancho San Rafael Park from 9-12. We may sell items and we don’t need business licenses. Our August meeting will be held at the Arboretum at Rancho San Rafael Park. Please bring your own chairs. New Business: Heidi Ericson’s friend has a Kromsky Fantasia, brand new spinning wheel for sale. It has 3 bobbins and a built-in Lazy Kate for $450.00. Please contact Heidi if you are interested. Virva reported that the Reno Fiber Guild will be holding a “Try Your Hand at Weaving” activity on March 28th from 1-4 p.m. at the South Valleys Library. A discussion was held regarding our yearly donation. Please think about organizations and the decision will be made at a later date. Doris reported there have been some changes for the Black Sheep Gathering, June 19-21st. The entire Marketplace has been moved indoors to the Convention Center and she is very pleased about this! For more information go to It was decided that we would invite the Job’s Peak Fiber Arts Guild from Gardnerville to our Spinster’s Retreat in September.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

February 2015 Minutes

Guild Minutes 2/14/2015 In Attendance: Nancy Pryor, Jenny Rader, Hannah Woods, Maxene Harlow, Sharie L. Jones, Julie Svoboda, Marilyn Pearson, Bev Perkins, Sandi Steele, Janet Schueller, Carolyn Thompson, Heidi Ericson, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, Connie Vann, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Bonnie Kruk, Patti O’Brien, Mary B., Laurel Ballon, Virva Porcelli, Becky Pennington, Mimi Bullard, Carrie Bleak, Margery McConaghy, Jo Van Winkle, Judy Wells, Angela Alter.

 Treasurer’s Report: Doris reported that we received $375 for dues for 15 members and $5 for one spindle kit. Our balance is $4,693.67 with 32 paid members.
 Old Business: The Stephanie Gaustid Bast Fiber Workshop will be held at Marilynn Clarke’s on May 23 & 24. It will be limited to 15 people. The cost will be $70-75.00 for the 2 days plus an additional charge for materials. The workshop will cover preparation, processing, and spinning of cotton, flax, and hemp. It was decided the Guild would pay half of the $1,000 for Stephanie’s fees. State Fair-Nancy Pryor will email all the information to Mimi Bullard.
 It was reported that it all looks good for us to participate. Susan is the organizer of the premium books for the fair, as well as other fairs. Celtic Faire: October 10-11. We will be in the Western Heritage Building. Ranger Andy reported that we would be a good asset to the photography exhibit. New Business: The location for our August meeting will be determined later.
 Mimi Bullard will let us know when she has a shearing date.
 The Art Town Arboretum Craft Show will be held on Sunday, July 26th, from 8-1:30. A donation for the Silent Auction is requested. Maxene Harlow will inform us if a business license is required for sales.
 Farm Days-Virva Porcelli reported that it will be held on Apr. 16 & 17, from 8-2 in Fuji Park, in Carson City. Spindle Camp-Virva reported it will be held June 3-7 at Lake Francis Resort in California. Let Virva or Heidi Ericson know if you are interested in attending. Tent spaces are $35-40 and camper cost depends on the size or type of rig. Ashley Thibedeau reported she will coordinate if anyone is interested in alpaca and sheep wool that has been stored in her contact’s barn. Becky Pennington reported on the Sheep to Needles Presentation they will be holding at the California Trail Center, outside of Elko, NV, (Hunter exit) on March 21st at 11:00. , Becky will be processing wool, while some ladies from the Ruby Mountain Fiber Friends Guild will be spinning, and others will be knitting.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

January Minutes 2015

Guild Minutes 1/10/2015

In attendance: 
Janet Drozd, Marilyn Pearson, Mary Sherman, Carol Lopez, Shana Dollarhide, Heidi Ericson, Myna Gianotti, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Jenny Rader, Sandi Steele, Virva Porcelli, Alyce Brown, Georgina Bernard, Patti O’Brien, Mary B., Angela Alter, Nancy Pryor, Susan Palwock, Hannah Woods, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow, Margery McConaghy, Carrie Bleak, Jo Van Winkle, Karen Young, Claire Young, Doris Woloszyn

Treasurer’s Report:
Doris reported we have 17 paid members for 2015 with 11 dues paid in Dec. $51 was collected from the silent auction 

New Business:
Bast Fiber Workshop with Stephanie Gaustid in May. Nancy Pryor will check with Sky Peak for prices. Workshop would cost $450 per day plus expenses. This item was tabled until details can be worked out.

Nancy Pryor reported that the Celtic Faire and Catherine are having some issues, it will be determined later if we will be participating. Catherine was given 40 acres in Yerington and may start a year-round Celtic Village.
There is no news to report on the State Fair that will be held July 30-Aug.2 in Fuji Park in Carson City. Nancy will keep in contact with Susan Tyler and report when she hears any details.

Stitches West will be held in Santa Clara, CA,  Feb.19-22nd.

Learning Trees:
Feb.-Long Draw spinning
Mar.-Weaving on rigid heddle loom
Apr.-Wheel maintenance and trouble-shooting. We will also watch Judith McKenzie’s DVD

Next meeting February 14th at the school house at Bartley Ranch

Thursday, January 8, 2015

December 2014 Minutes

Carson Sierra Spinners and Weavers Guild
December 13, 2014 Minutes
Sharie L. Jones and Maxene Harlow, Co-Presidents

The meeting was held at the Bartley Ranch School House and was called to order at 11:00 am.

The November minutes were approved by general consent.

Treasurer’s Report:  Doris reported income of $150 from dues, $200 from the Celtic Fair in appreciation of our participation, $12 donation from a sweater sale, and $50 from spindle kits sold at the fair.  Expenses include reservation of Davis Creek Park for next year.  The treasury has $3987.67 with 53 members.  Our liability insurance premium is coming due soon but it should be less than $450.  Doris is accepting annual dues, $25 for the guild year beginning in January.

Library Report: Heidi reports nothing new.  She would like a list of learning tree activities so she can bring items related to those for each meeting.  There are lots of books and DVDs to borrow from the library.  Contact her if you wish to check some out.  The January learning tree will be the 2nd half of Judith McKenzie’s video about how to process a fleece.  It should take about an hour.

Old Business:
1.  Nancy Pryor emailed Stephenie Gaustad and Sara Lamb regarding providing workshops for next year.  She hasn’t received a reply yet.  Donna, a museum curator, may be able to give us a workshop on Native American fibers used in Nevada.

New Business:
1. Guild elections were held today with the following results:  President, Hannah Woods; Vice President, Virva Porcelli; Secretary, Jo Van Winkle.  Doris will stay on as Treasurer, Heidi will remain Keeper of the Books, and Mim will continue with the website.
2. The Nevada State Fair has contacted the guild for input on the fair program.  We need a liaison with the fair people.  Nancy Pryor volunteered for that job.  The fair will be at Fuji Park in Carson City, July 30-August 2, 2015.
3. Virva asked the members where they would like our August 2015 to be, at Anna Harvey’s or at the Arboretum.
4. Doris reported the next Black Sheep Gathering is June 19-21, 2015 in Eugene Oregon.

After Show and Tell, the Holiday Potluck, the ornament and recipe exchange, the meeting was adjourned.

In Attendance:  Marilyn Pearson, Hannah Woods, Sharie L Jones, Maxene Harlow, Virva Porcelli, Janet Schueller, Carolyn Thompson, Sandi Steele, Connie Vann, Heidi L. Ericson, Myna Giannotti, Ashley Thibedeau, Janet Drozd, Eileen Jacobs, Toni Strassburg, Laurel Ballou, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Margery McConaghy, Jo Van Winkle, Mimi Bullard, and Nancy Pryor.