Thursday, March 7, 2013

February 2013 Minutes

Shearing Time

Carson Sierra Spinners and Weavers Guild
February 9, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Sharie L. Jones and Maxene Harlow, Co-Presidents

Minutes of the last meeting were approved, with corrections, by general consent

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Doris reported 11 members have paid their 2013 dues and that dues are due.  We have 19 members and $3311.04 in the guild account.  Nancy submitted a bill for $90 for table loom/weaving supplies, for the Learning Tree today.  After discussion whether or not expenses needed to be pre-approved by the members, a motion to do so was canceled.

Library Report:  Librarian (Keeper of the Books) Heidi asked members to let her know if they had any books or DVDs that needed to be purchased for the library.  She asked that you “go ahead and buy it” after checking with her.  The budget for the year is $100.  Heidi is working on getting all our materials catalogued on  Members can check out the guild’s library any time at Heidi’s house.

Old Business:
1.  Raffle – Barbara reported she doesn’t have any items for meeting raffles and asks members to donate items as they can.  The raffle is on hold until enough items are collected.  Eileen asks, “make it a quality item”.
2.  Learning Tree – President Sharie asked if we have a list of themes and dates for our Learning Tree sessions this year.  Mim will post what we do have scheduled on the website.  Mim is teaching indigo dyeing at her home in July and will send out more info soon.  Marilynn asked members to sign up for her natural dyeing class May 18-19 at her home, $60.  A sign up sheet went around today.  Contact her if you’re interested.
3.  Display/Sale Opportunity – Mary reported Ottumwa Bank on Moana and Virginia has a display area in their lobby where members could leave items for display and sale.  The bank will handle the sale and send a check.  They also have rooms available for projects Monday through Fridays although they’re not open on the weekends so couldn’t host a Guild meeting.  After discussion regarding security, sales tax issues and inventories, members voted to have Mary get a spot on the list for members who’d like to display and sell their items.

New Business:
1.  Sacramento guild – Max wondered if our guild could get together with the Sacramento Weavers and Spinners guild at their event.  Nancy reported each of our members would have to be a member of that guild in order to participate.
2.  Wool gathering – Virva got a card from Bonnie in Cedarville.  She is having a wool gathering September 13-15 and invites our guild members.  See Virva for more info.
3.  Sale opportunity – Pam reported two events, Reno Open Studio in September and Art Tour in North Tahoe are opportunities to demo and sell items.  See Pam for details or Google either event.  Both are juried shows.

The March meeting is at The Bartley Ranch School House on Saturday the 9th