Monday, August 29, 2011

August 2011 Minutes

August 2011 Meeting Minutes
The meeting started a bit late with introductions. There were a few new faces present. Thank you to all of those who decided to visit, and we hope to see you again.
July minutes were approved.
Treasurer Report: Doris took in money for dues for two members. Nothing was spent since last month leaving the guild with $2456.44. We have 42 paid members. There are six spindle kits ready for sale. One was recently sold. Thank you goes out to Nancy Prior for putting the spindle kits together. Heidi Ericson has promised a donation of some medium wool roving for use in the kits. Motion was made and approved to give Doris ok for future purchase of materials needed for the spindle kits.
Weaving Study Group: Members met in July at Doris’ home. No weaving study group planned until September. If you would like to host a study group meeting, please contact Nancy Prior.
State Fair: Seems that many counties are canceling their county fairs due to lack of funding. Nevada’s University Co-operative Extension personnel are being scaled back or in some cases eliminated, so this will have bearing on future 4-H, or ag related programs. There was talk of California county fairs, with a consensus agreeing that Nevada county California fair was the best so far in attendance.
Raffle: Barbara Hunt is presiding over the raffle and raffle items. She says she has lots of things currently ready for the raffle, and will let the guild members know if she needs more donations of items. Please keep in mind, if you have anything you think others in the guild might like - gift certificates you won’t use, skeins of sock yarn you bought and don’t like, roving or fiber you decided you don’t want to spin, anything really, let Barbara know so she can plan on adding it to the raffle stash. The raffle money goes directly into the guild account.
Old Business: Denise Quirk from the local Soroptimist International Reno was at the meeting to update the guild regarding the upcoming Cowboy Poetry Reading August 20, at Bartley Ranch Park. She said due to the lack of vendor participation, the Saturday marketplace has been canceled. This means the guild will no longer plan on setting up demos as a group. The poetry reading will still go on as planned, along with a company picnic, and guild members are invited to attend and to sit and spin. There are shade trees, but a larger group might warrant using a pop up shelter for shade.  Denise brought some really nice cupcakes as a consolation offering, and said she would let the guild know if there are plans for the same type of opportunity next year. Retreat at Davis Creek Park is coming up in September. Please remember there is only 1 ranger available for the park, so things like toilet paper, soap, etc. might be in short supply. If you can bring such items along it might be a good idea. We plan on leaving our area cleaner than we found it. Also, if you want to be proactive and see trash elsewhere in the park, please pick it up. The ranger can use all the help he can get. Camping is encouraged, and is a lot of fun!  Entrance to the park has changed due to road construction. Enter the park on Parker Ranch Road - located in front of the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory. Directions will be posted on the guild blog. The meeting Saturday September 10 will include a potluck, silent auction, and white elephant sale. Please bring ice! If you want to bring firewood, that would be nice too. Fire pit use will depend upon park guidelines.  Auction items include things donated by Pat Ecdall, and will be advertised prior to the auction. Please bring your alpaca challenge items and last year’s dye day items to share with the guild. Learning tree will be dye day hosted by Mimi Bullard. She will provide dye. If you want to participate, plan on bringing black plastic bags, baggies, vinegar, kool-aid, syringes, yarn or fiber, plastic wrap, jars, buckets.
Celtic Fair is October 1 & 2nd. There was discussion regarding vendor opportunities at the Celtic Fair. More info will be available later.
New Business: September 4th will be the Sample of the Sierra event. It is held at south Lake Tahoe, on Ski Run Blvd. There will be vendors and demos, some of which will involve members of our guild. Reno Fiber Guild is offering a workshop. Extreme Warp Makeover will take place October 7 - 9. Cost is $260, and you must bring your own loom. Location is Wolfrun Golf Club in Reno.
Goats were being offered for sale on the yahoo list.
There is an opportunity to work with children in a fiber animal related manner. If you would like to teach the kids about fiber prep, spinning, knitting or crochet, please contact Linda Blackwell at
Show and Tell
Mim- dyed skeins, scarf, and e reader bag done with expert assistance from Carrie and Jo, also hat from Sharron’s pattern. Jo- donated yarn backpacks knit and fulled. Marilynn- dye class scarves dyed with rusty bits, skeins dyed with iris flowers and alum mordant. Nancy- display skeins on fish stringers and pvc piping. Sharie- carded roving made on the drum carder she bought from Nancy, Woolie Winder, Turkish

Our September meeting will be at Davis Creek Park on September 10th. There is some road construction at the Bowers Mansion turn off.
So for those of us who come from Reno take the Parker Ranch  Road turn off just before you get to the Chocolate Factory
  • Make a right and go under the new freeway - then left on the frontage road - it ends at the road going into Davis Creek - then right on that road and you're there
  • Linda says "no promises - but I'll TRY to mark the 395 turn off"
  • For folks coming from Carson there's no change - all the construction is on the north end of Washoe Valley
    (original directions for those coming from south of Bowers Mansion)
Driving Directions:  Take 395 south from Reno or north from Carson City to the turnoff to Bowers Mansion. Turn west (the only way you can turn) and shortly (quarter mile maybe) down the road you will get to Davis Creek Park. It will be on the right. After you pass the bathrooms, proceed through the dip and the road to the group area is on the right.  We will also have a sign up.  The retreat will be in the "RV Group Camping" area at the north end of the park

Thursday, August 4, 2011

July 2011 Minutes

The July meeting started with introductions and the approval of the June minutes.

Treasurers Report: This last month we collected $50.00 in dues, $32.00 from the last raffle, and sold one spindle kit for $5.00
Heidi our librarian bought 4 new books for the guild for $76.06 The total in our account is $2406.44 and we have 40 members at this date.

Library Report: Heidi added 4 new books and with gifts we have several books on dyeing One of which is "Harvesting Color".
Weaving Study: group met on July 16th at Doris's home
There was no raffle this meeting. Reminder: if anyone has fiber related odds and ends please bring them to the next meeting to add to our raffle items.

Old Business: Anyone wanting to participate at the "Cowboy Poetry" on August 20th please let Virva know when you can be there and  if you would like to help with different demo's during the day. Set up will begin at 8 am and it will be open to the public from 10:00 to 5:00. Marilyn and Jo have offered to bring their E-Z ups.  We can always use more shade so please if anyone else has more contact Virva.
Nancy and Doris will have more Spindle kits to sell, plus Nancy will have a table loom warped for weaving demos. Mim and Jo will demo felting in the AM.
Retreat: There will be a Silent Action in September at the retreat. Bring all items that will be auctioned to the August meeting so we will be able to decide on their opening bids and tag each item.. So far some of the items we will be auctioning off are an antique spinning wheel starting at $40.00, several boat shuttles starting at $5.00 each. two bobbin winders starting at $40.00.
Reminder for all pot luck lunches please remember to bring your own dishes and knives and forks.
New Business: Doris has all the paper work done to hold our space at Davis Creek Campground for this years Spinsters Retreat. She also turned in our Insurance for this year.
Noon September 9th - noon the11th are the days the guild has reserved for anyone who would like to camp. If you would like to come earlier or stay later you will need to contact the Washoe County Parks Department to make your own reservations.
Show and Tell: Linda had a sample of her Krokbragd weaving, Mim had yarn and felt from her Shetland fleece, Virva had some yarn spun from Shetland/cormo wool, Doris had some ribbons won by her fleeces she entered in a fleece show, Eileen had a bat of wool Shetland/Alpaca that she brought back from BSG, and Heidi showed off her goodies she brought back from this years BSG.
Attendance: Eileen Jacobs, Jo Van Winkle, Noelle Van Winkle, Doris Woloszyn, Nancy Pryor, Janet Schueller, Judi Hein, Heidi Ericson, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Virva Procelli.

Our August Meeting on Saturday the 13th will be held at Sky Peaks Rec Room. This is a brown bag lunch.

Sky Peak Ranch: Sky Peaks in Northwest Reno.  A map is available here:  You can access it from 4th street a little west of Truckee River Nursery or from a road you can enter on McCarran going south turning to the right like you wanted to reach Home Depot. At that stop sign, turn right, keep going for awhile through a light and go another few blocks and Sky Peaks is on the left. The community room is on the back or NW side.