Meeting started at 11 AM, with introductions. There were two ladies present as guests, Rachel Roden, who found out about our guild at the Celtic Fair, and Susan Pelwick. We are very glad you two found us, and we welcome you to our guild.
The September meeting minutes were approved with only a minor correction regarding the Gold Country Gathering Alpaca Show being held in October in Grass Valley, Ca. A big THANK YOU! goes out to Jo Van Winkle who took care of the minutes for September in my absence.
Treasurer Report: As of 10 -7- 11, we have $209 from the retreat, $100 refund from Davis Creek Park, $20 from a new member, for a total of $2927.44. There are currently 45 paid guild members.
Weaving Study Group: Nancy Prior heads up our weaving study group. Interested members meet at a designated home, and are invited to bring their own looms of any kind for individual help. If you are interested in hosting a weaving study group, please contact Nancy Prior to set this up. There is no weaving study meeting currently scheduled at this time.
Raffle: Marilyn Clark brought in a beautiful Mum she purchased at Dry Creek Garden Company in Reno. The mum was put up for silent auction after the meeting. Thank you Marilyn! If you are interested in donating anything for the raffle, please contact Barbara Hunt, as she is currently our (very successful) raffle coordinator. There was also discussion about the great deal on the mums at Dry Creek Garden Center!
Old Business: Discussion regarding the Celtic Fair. Our guild was awarded a $200 honorarium from the Celtic Celebration, and there is a standing invitation for our guild to participate next year! From the sound of the discussion, many of our members had a great time participating. There seems to be more to the story regarding the ‘Pirates’, and the fact that we need more of the drop spindle kits was discussed. The spindle kits that were available were quite popular, and sold out. Mark Lindsay spoke regarding signage and a request for more vendors for next year’s event. If you have suggestions or questions regarding next year’s Celtic Celebration, please contact Mark or Linda Lindsay.
Sharie Jones had checked in to the availability of the Valhalla Historical Site at Lake Tahoe. The cost, $500 per day, with a $500 deposit was discussed. It was determined that the cost of using the site might be too expensive for our guild to manage alone. Discussion followed regarding some sort of multi guild event, something along the lines of the jamboree the guild used to host in Carson City.
Doris Woloszyn brought up the fact that it is almost time to reserve the group camp area at Davis Creek Park for next years retreat. This was approved by those present.
There was discussion regarding the equipment list. It was made up by Doris, and soon will be added to the website. It was agreed that an additional list of supplies for each item of equipment will be provided too. It was agreed that the warping board would be added to the equipment that goes with the looms. The warping board was purchased by Heidi Ericson and donated to the guild. Thank you very much Heidi! If you are a member of the guild, and would be interested in borrowing a piece of equipment from the guild, such as a spinning wheel or loom, you may do so for free as long as you are a paid member.
Discussion of officers for 2012. It was decided that many of the current members will agree to continue with their positions if agreeable to the membership however if you are interested in acting as guild president for 2012, please let Virva know. Elections are coming up!
Don’t forget the guild library is available to members. If you are interested in something from the library, please let Heidi Ericson know. She will assist you with this. Marilyn has suggested adding the Fleece and Fiber Source book to our library. She has a copy, and all in attendance agreed it would be a great book to add to our library. The cost will put our library budget of $100 over by $5 but it was decided the overage was within reason. Marilyn Clarke will contact Sundance Book Store for our guild library copy of the book. Thank you Marilyn!
Meeting places for 2012 was discussed. Dates for both Bartley Ranch and Sky Peaks are tentative. There are a few months where we will be meeting at member’s homes. According to Brian, the park ranger, if we have booked Bartley Ranch and they end up renting the building, we will be given 2 weeks notice in order to find another place to meet. It was decided that the Christmas or December meeting will be held at Bartley Ranch. This will be a pot luck meeting.
New Business: The Gold Country Gathering Alpaca Show is being held in Grass Valley, California on October 22nd and 23rd. If you would be interested in going and would like to carpool, please let Virva know as she would be going. The Red Rock Community Center is holding a fundraiser on October 22nd, and is looking for vendors. If you are interested in participating, please contact Mim Bullard. Red Rock is north of Reno approximately 30 miles. Spin Off magazine is offering a spinning weekend in Southern California November 3rd through the 5th. Info can be found on their website. SOAR, or the annual Spin Off Annual Retreat will be held once again at Granlibakken Resort at Lake Tahoe in 2012!
There was discussion regarding the boxes of stuff used during state fair. Virva is currently providing a home for them in her garage, but would like to find those boxes a new home. Suggestions were made to inventory the contents, eliminate what is no longer needed.
The learning tree for this meeting was two ended knitting, demonstrated by Mim. Thank you Mim!
Show and Tell: Doris: Books and programs from her recent trip to Colorado and the Border Collie Sheepdog Trials. Ribbons won for sheep fleeces from Monterey Wool. Black Sheep, and Mendocino Wool Shows. Good job! Congratulations! Toni: hiking story. (as promised, the mailing address for El Dorado County Search and Rescue is PO Box 721 Placerville, Ca. 95667). Sue G: Beautiful tatting accomplished while attending the Celtic Fair. Susan: Christmas Story resulting in a creative gift by her husband of the penlight and Bobby’s whistle…yes, I was paying attention : ) Linda: Sock blank socks made from the Wilton dye happy face dyed blank. Mim: Two ended knitted hat. Virva: Dyed roving from the retreat in September. Max: Drop stitch scarf and hat from a blank dyed at the September retreat, circular jacket beginning, Knit Swirl book (Happy Birthday Max!). Sharie: Entrelac book (Happy Birthday Sharie!), Panda sock yarn dyed at September retreat. Mary: Roving for a knitted earflap hat, beautiful roving of different colors, knit sweater beginning. Heidi: Kool Aid dyed sock blanks. Nancy: Lanaset dyed green and yellow roving.
Attendance: Toni Strassburg, Janet Drozd, Eileen Jacobs, Rachel Roden, Doris Woloszyn, Nancy Pryor, Heidi Ericson, Marilyn Clarke, Judy Wells, Mary B, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow, Virva Porcelli, Mimi Bullard, Mark and Linda Lindsay, Connie Vann, Sheila Young, Susan Pelwick, Sue Gottsacker, Carolyn Thompson
Here are the directions to our next meeting at Sky Peaks:
Sky Peak
Ranch: Sky Peaks in Northwest Reno. A
map is available here: You can access it from 4th street a
little west of Truckee River Nursery or from a road you can enter on McCarran
going south turning to the right like you wanted to reach Home Depot. At that
stop sign, turn right, keep going for awhile through a light and go another few
blocks and Sky Peaks is on the left. The community room is on the back or NW
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