April 2011 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am at Bartley Ranch. Introductions followed.
Minutes from the last meeting are up. Please check for any errors.
Treasurer Report: Five dues were paid for a total of $125, last month’s raffle netted $37, we paid out $300 as a donation to Nevada State Fair, paid $20 to Pat Ecdall for repair to donated loom, leaving the guild with $2301.50 in account. There are currently 36 paid members.
Also, we are in need of supplies for the spindle kits. Doris is going to work on getting our supplies when members of the local woodworking club order theirs, so that we may get a discount due to ordering in bulk.
Library: Heidi brought books from our guild library. They were made available for checkout prior to the end of the meeting. She also shared four books that she felt we as a guild needed in our library. She stated that with exception to a couple of new purchases, most of our books are fairly old, and felt we would benefit by adding some books on new techniques and ideas. It was decided that the guild would spend $100 yearly on new books for our library. It was voted and approved.
Old business: There is some donated supplies, tapestry loom, and bobbin winders that will be put up for silent auction at our annual fall retreat. Research is being made in order to decide what the starting bids should be on each item. Donated items are being stored at Doris’ home.
We will be attending the Cowboy Poetry event at Bartley Ranch in August. The marketplace will be open from about 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday August 20th. Please let Virva know if you can donate some time that day to participate in demos, or just to sit and spin. Upcoming events also include: Farm City Days April 14, 15th Fuji Park in Carson City; Spindle retreat in Dobbins Ca. May 19 - 22; Celtic Fair September 24, 25 at Bartley Ranch Park.
There was a brochure passed around regarding a location in Soda Springs California, that might be used as a location for a retreat or other guild function.
Raffle: Barbara needs more items for the raffle. If you have anything you think would make a nice raffle prize, please let Barbara know. All proceeds from the raffle go to the guild.
New Business: It was decided that in lieu of a hospitality person, those interested may take a place setting from the box, and bring it to each meeting that involves a pot luck lunch. Black Sheep Gathering is coming up June 23 - 26th. Is anyone going to go? May meeting will be held at Doris’ home. It will be brown bag. Plan on bringing a chair, hat, and sunscreen. See the blog for directions. Learning tree - please check with Mim and take a look at the list to see if there is anything you want to see addressed. Discussion followed regarding what some of the members would like to see for learning tree. Nevada Museum of Art is holding a beginning tapestry weaving workshop. The fee is $75 for materials, or $10 if you provide your own loom. Workshop dates are May 14 -15th and May 24 - 25th. Please check their website for more information.
Show And Tell: Sharon - dual purpose scarf, Doris - 2 week old lamb, Sherrie - felted slippers, Heidi - puppies, birthday book regarding variegated yarn, Janet - mittens with Buddy on them, Sue - lace tatted butterflies, bulletin regarding tatted butterfly info, Jo - wolf fur bracelet, Connie - Black sweater from alpaca challenge fiber mixed with sheep wool from Doris and Wayne, also blanket with multicolored hand painted yarn, Mim - fiber, Barbara - shawl.
Attendance: Toni Strassburg, Janet Drozd, Eileen Jacobs, Jo Van Winkle, Gail Hock, Lois Leeming, Carrie Austin, Connie Vann, Nancy Grundy, (who we hope is recovering from her surgery!) Sue Gottsacker, Mim Bullard, Barbara Greene, Virva Porcelli, Sharon Campbell, Barbara Hunt, Libby Hejny, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Sharrie Jones, Heidi Ericson
The May 14th Guild Meeting is at Doris Woloszyn’s High Plains Woolies Ranch in Chilcoot, California. Brown Bag.
Driving directions (as provided by Doris in 2009, but I don't suppose it has changed): Hwy. 395 north from Reno, past Bordertown into California. Exit 395 at Hwy. 70 to Portola/Quincy, turn left on Hwy. 70 going west for about 2 miles. Turn left on Scott Road after crossing Long Valley Creek, before going up Beckwourth Pass. Scott Road is dirt, and after 4/10 mile to the railroad crossing you’ll pass 2 homes (stay left on main road, not right up the hill), the railroad tracks and creek will be on your left.
Continue south on Scott Road for one and a half miles to a small bridge over Scott Creek.
Another 4/10 mile to a large Cottonwood tree and the 3rd home, this is where the county stops grading the road so it’s a little rougher. Another 2/10 mile to several buildings on hill with SPRAGUE sign, but stay to left and pass the driveway. Next 3/10 mile the road curves from left to right up a small hill. Stay to the right at the fork, going up the hill and look for my 404-185 sign on a “rock jack” fence corner. This is where you turn right onto my driveway.
My driveway is 4/10 mile, first straight with a wooden fence on the left and barb wire fence on the right, then at the next group of rock jacks curve right, down over the culvert and uphill to my house …cedar siding with a dark green metal roof and large wooden barn in back. Sounds complicated but there are very few places out here. I’ll try to put up some signs to help. Call 530-993-4296 if you have questions or need help.
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