Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Looking for Feedback

If you attended the Stephenie Gaustad Workshop I would like to hear from you.
Did you enjoy the workshop and why?
Are you able to practice what you learned?
If you have questions ask them online or on the Blogspot or Facebook page. So that we can help you.
Nancy would love to here your feedback on Stephanie's workshop!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Update March Meeting!

Sorry there will be a meeting please do come.
Stay warm and healthy.


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

February 2020Minutes

Guild Minutes- February 8, 2020

In Attendance: Janice Johnson, Janice Hein, Paulie Frisch, Sharie Jones, Michelle Stevens, Bev Perkins, Ashley Thibedeau, Sandi Steele, Nancy Pryor, Brigitte Koehler, John Craig, Sue Gottsacker, Shirley Adams, Carolyn Thompson, Heidi Ericson, Gina Caudillo, Judy Wells, Doris Woloszyn, Kendra Iwahashi, Jo Van Winkle

Treasurer’s Report: As of 2-7-2020 we have 21 members.

New Business: Our Learning Tree for March will be Rigid Heddle Hem Stitching and Lace Techniques with Sue Gottsacker.

Nancy Pryor wants everyone to look at the website A representative will be coming to our March meeting to give a presentation regarding Fibershed. I believe this may be something we will want to join.

March meeting is at Bartley Ranch Park 11 am