Thursday, December 5, 2019

November 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes- November 9, 2019 In Attendance: Heidi Craig, John Craig, Carolyn Thompson, Connie Vann, Doris Woloszyn, Judy Wells, Cindy Peterson, Maureen Pisani, Mim Bullard, Kendra Iwahashi, Gina Caudillo, Jo Johnson, Ann Taylor, Leslie Godbe, Heidi Ericson, Lindsey Doolittle, Janice Hein, Sandi Steele, Bev Perkins, Sue Gottsacker, Nancy Pryor, Larry Romiti, Judy Romiti.
 Thank you Bev Perkins for taking the notes of this meeting!
 New Business: There was a discussion of the emailed list of classes from offered by Stephanie Gaustad. The list was passed around for members to note their preferences. Potential dates for classes were discussed also. Nancy will go over the noted preferences and bring the subject up at the next member’s meeting.
 Nancy offered 3 DVD’s about dyeing.
 Doris suggested a memorial bench for Marilynn Clarke, potentially at the Arboretum. She will research possibilities and get back to us. Doris discussed potential donations by the Guild and suggested the Celtic Celebration as an organization that supports us, (the pay us for our annual “Living History” exhibit). Upon motion made by Heidi, and seconded, (by Doris?), it was unanimously passed that we would donate our annual amount to the Celtic Celebration.
 Name tag options were discussed.

Next meeting is our Christmas Party at Bartley Ranch Park Schoolhouse on December 14th. Pot luck and bring a wrapped Christmas Ornament if you would like to join the ornament exchange.

Meeting starts at 11 am!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Minutes October 2019

Guild Minutes – October 12, 2019

In Attendance: Janice Hein, Larry Romiti, Judith Romiti, Sandi Steele, Janice Johnson, Gina Caudillo, Bev Perkins, Leslie Godbe, Kendra Iwahashi, Sue Gottsacker, Connie Vann, Susan Palwick, Gina Iwahashi, Doris Woloszyn, Jo Van Winkle, Judy Wells, Heidi Ericson, John Craig

Treasurer’s Report: As of 10/11/2019, we received 2 membership dues, monies for 9 spindle kits, and the refund for our Retreat deposit. We have 45 members.

New Business: Our November meeting is at the Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse and it will be our Mad Hatter Batt Party!!! ! Bring a carder if you can, and fiber to card with all the additions. Please bring any extra odds & ends of blending elements to share on the “community table”. Mad crazy hats are encouraged!

Our December 14 meeting, will be held at the Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse from 10-2. It is our Christmas Potluck, Ornament exchange and the installation of the 2019 Officers. If you wish to participate in the ornament exchange, please bring a handmade ornament to exchange.

Learning Trees:
January -Wheel Maintenance
March-Rigid Heddle Loom, Demo and Hands-On, try it out!
April-Spring Mad Hatter Batt Party
May-Janice Hein will show us how to make a felted decorative button/pin. Bring buttons, jewelry, and a 100% man’s silk tie from Savers, Goodwill, etc.

November meeting will be held at Bartley Ranch Park School House
That's the second Saturday November 9th

Sunday, October 6, 2019

September 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes-September 14, 2019
 In Attendance: Michelle Stevens, Sharie Jones, Stephanie Wycoff, Heidi Ericson, Judy Wells, Judy Romiti, Larry Romiti, Janet Schueller, Amy Shannon, Gina Caudillo, Leslie Godbe, Mimi Bullard, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, Lindsey Doolittle, Carolyn Thompson, Doris Woloszyn, Jo Van Winkle, Janice Hein, John Craig, Alyce Brown
 Treasurer’s Report: We received 1 membership dues and monies for 9 spindle kits. As of 9/13/2019, we have 44 members.
 New Business: Please let us know of any Spinning or Demo opportunities. We discussed selling the 4 harness LeClerc 36” loom, and the 8 harness loom. We will be creating a list of all the Guild’s equipment that is available to rent.
 Our October meeting will be at the Schoolhouse at Bartley Ranch. Again: Please bring your ideas for our yearly donation gift.
Please bring your ideas for Learning Trees in 2020.
Suggestions so far are, Getting the yarn you want Tatting Wheel Maintenance Eco Dyeing and Nuno Felting Rigid Heddle: Hem stitch Basket Making (Loretta Burden, Fallon Basket Artist) Lock spinning Core spinning Different kinds of spindling, Navajo, Drop, Supported

October Meeting will be Saturday October 12th at Bartley Ranch School House doors open at 10 am meeting starts a 11

Saturday, August 31, 2019

August 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes- August 10, 2019

 In Attendance: John Craig, Nancy Pryor, Loretta Burden, Sue Gottsacker, Sandi Steele, Annabelle Younger, Doris Wolszyn, Jo Van Winkle, Janice Johnson, Deanna West, Jo Johnson, Gina Caudillo, Mimi Bullard, Janice Hein
 Treasurer’s Report: We received monies for 5 spindle kits, Celtic Fair Living History and two member dues. As of 8/9/2019, we have 43 members.
 New Business: Our Spinster Retreat will be at the Davis Creek Regional Park, (by Bower’s Mansion in Washoe Valley), September 13-15, in the group campsite. Check-in time for campers is noon on Friday the 13th. Check-out is noon on Sunday. Our meeting will be a potluck on Saturday. Meeting will start at 11:00 and you are welcome to come as early as you want and stay as late as you want!
 Please bring your ideas for our yearly donation gift. Please bring your ideas for Learning Trees in 2020. Suggestions so far are, Getting the yarn you want Tatting Wheel Maintenance Eco Dyeing and Nuno Felting Rigid Heddle: Hem stitch Basket Making (Loretta Burden, Fallon Basket Artist) Lock spinning Core spinning Different kinds of spindling, Navajo, Drop, Supported

Thursday, August 8, 2019

August Meeting Change

Our place to meet for this Saturday the 10th has canceled

Meeting will be at the UNR Extention Office in Carson City. The address is 2621 Northgate Lane, #15. Northgate runs north off of Hot Springs Rd.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

July 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes-July 13, 2019
In Attendance: Ashley Thibideaux, Gina Caudillo, Kendra Iwahashi, Gina Iwahashi, Kristi Bushur, Cindy Peterson, Amy Shannon, Doris Woloszyn, Janice Hein, Mimi Bullard, Maureen Pisani, Nancy Pryor, John Craig, Bev Perkins, Judy Wells, Jo Van Winkle
 New Business: Our August meeting will be held at Miriam Volpin’s new home at 4040 Center Drive in Carson City.
The Learning Tree will be visiting with each other and working on our projects!
Our September Meeting will be our Spinster’s Retreat at Davis Creek Regional Park in Washoe Valley. Campers may arrive at noon on Friday and check-out is 11:00 on Sunday. Our meeting will be held at 11:00 on Saturday with a Potluck lunch, Swap & Sell items, and dyeing!
 Our October meeting will be back to Bartley Ranch Regional Park, in the Schoolhouse, through April of 2020.
 Convergence will be held in Knoxville, Tennesee, July 24-30, 2020. For more information-

August meeting on Saturday the 10th is at Miriam's house in Carson City, 4040 Center drive. Start showing up around 10am and the meeting starts at 11.

Monday, July 8, 2019

June 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes-June 8, 2019
 In Attendance: Brigitte Koehler, Kendra Iwahashi, Doris Woloszyn, Nancy Pryor, John Craig, Katie Lighthart, Lindsey Doolittle, Gina Caudillo, Mimi Bullard, Alyce Brown, Jo Van Winkle
 Treasurer’s Report: We have money in the bank
 Old Business: Janice Johnson’s first Wet/Nuno Felting and Eco/Botanical Dyeing Workshop will be July 6th at her home.
The Black Sheep Gathering will be held July 5-7th in Albany, Oregon at the Linn County Fairgrounds. For more information go to
 New Business: Our July meeting will be at The Generator, 1240 Icehouse Ave., Sparks Our August meeting will be held at Miriam Volpin’s home, will post directions later.
(Love this)  We did not have an actual meeting at Mimi’s, we were very busy visiting and excited about dyeing LOL!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

May 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes- May 11, 2019

In Attendance: Gina Caudillo, Sandi Steele, Judy Wells, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, John Craig, Kristi Bushur, Bev Perkins, Nancy Pryor, Leslie Godbe, Doris Woloszyn, Sharie Jones, Michelle Stevens, Janice Johnson, Jo Van Winkle

Treasurer’s Report: As of 4/12/19 we had 38 members. We received monies for 3 member’s dues, and 2 spindle kits. As of 5/10/2019, we have 41 members.

New Business:
Janice Johnson’s first Wet/Nuno Felting and Eco/Botanical Dyeing Workshop will be July 6th at her home. More details and directions will be given later.

Bev Perkins will be our new email contact and sender. Thank you Mimi for doing it all these years and Thank you Bev for taking it on!

Sharie Jones invited us to join her in a spinning demonstration in Walker Lake on June 22nd. The owner of the Walker Antique/Thrift Store, Victoria Victor will have spinners, quilters and others demonstrating the old crafts. If you are interested please contact me, for Sharie’s phone number. We will be meeting afterwards at Sharie’s new home for a picnic!!!

Our meeting on June 8th will be out at the Bullard's 455 Thoroughbred Circle. I have our usual Indigo Dye Vat bring your wool silk or cotton for dyeing. I will also bring out some acid dyes for wool or silk. Any questions give me a call 775 9693249 or email

Friday, May 3, 2019

April 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes-April 13, 2019

 In Attendance: Dawn Aragon, Jo Johnson, John Craig, Brigitte Koehler, Nancy Pryor, Bev Perkins, Cindy Vogel, Chris Lopez, Carol Lopez, Heidi Ericson, Sharie Jones, Michelle Stevens, Gina Caudillo, Virva Porcelli, Judy Wells, Doris Woloszyn, Alyce Brown, Jo Van Winkle

 Treasurer’s Report: As of 3/8/2019, we received monies for 1 spindle kit and 9 member dues. As of 4/12/2019, we have 38 members.

 Old Business: The Celtic Faire will be held on May 18th, from 9-5 at Bartley Ranch. We will be setting up at 8 a.m.

 New Business: We had a discussion about satellite CSSW guilds in Fallon and Eureka.

Our May meeting will be held at Gina Caudillo’s home, 38 East J St., Sparks, NV. The Learning Tree will be wet felting a bowl. Here is the information Gina posted on our page:

 Hi loves!! May's Learning Tree will be wet felting vessels (We will make a small bowl) and will be located at my house - address (above) (I'm going to need to mow...)  I'll be testing the process hopefully this weekend using these directions:…/tutorial-how-to-make-a-we… Please bring wool, I have lots of soap (lol), and I am shopping for bamboo mats (RESCO here I come!!) and hope to find them for a couple of bucks. I have bubble wrap and pliable plastic. Tulle is easily obtained. if you have any or all of the things, please bring them If I can get a head count, I will appreciate it. Please bring a chair. Gina
 Our August Meeting will be held at the Carson City Extension Office, 2621 Northgate Lane #15, Carson City, NV.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

March 2019 Minutes

Guild Minutes- March 9, 2019

In Attendance: Mary Phillips, Mimi Bullard, Suzi Harvey, Heidi Ericson, Paulie Frisc, Gina Caudillo, Stephanie Schneider, Lindsay Doolittle, Janet Schueller, John Craig, Pam Craig, Casey Craig, Gina Iwahashi, Sandi Steele, Bev Perkins, Ashley Thibedeau, Judy Wells, Leslie Godbe, Nancy Pryor, Brigitte Koehler, Deanna West, Jo Johnson, Dawan Aragon, Connie Vann, Sue Gottsacker, Patti O’Brien, Carolyn Thompson, Virva Porcelli, Kendra Iwahashi, Doris Woloszyn, Jo Van Winkle

Treasurer’s Report: As of 3/8/19, we have received dues for 8 members, received monies for 2 spindle kits, and paid out monies for liability insurance. We have 29 members.

Old Business:
Farm Days will be held in Fuji Park, Carson City, April 11-12, please contact Nancy Pryor if you are interested in participating or need more information.

The Celtic Faire will be held on May 18th only, from 9-5 at Bartley Ranch.

The Nevada State Fair will be held at Mills Park in Carson City June 6-9. For more information go to

The Black Sheep Gathering will be held July 5-7th in Albany, Oregon at the Linn County Fairgrounds. For more information go to

The Comstock Civil War Reenactors would really like to have a Spinning and Weaving section at their Virginia City event August 30-September 2, 2019. They have costumes that we may borrow for the event. For more information,, Lindsay Wagner.

New Business:
Our April Meeting will be our Spring Mad Hatter Batt Party. Bring a carder if you can, and fiber to card with all the additions. Please bring any extra odds & ends of blending elements to share on the “community table”. Mad (crazy) Hats are encouraged!

We will be getting updates on the Eco Dyeing Workshops with Janice Johnson soon.

April meeting is at Bartley Ranch Park April 13

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Guild Minutes – February 9, 2019
 In Attendance: Connie Vann, Sue Gottsacker, Bev Perkins, Leesa Stevens, Casey Craig, John Craig, Lindsey Doolittle, Stephanie Schneider, Carol Lopez, Chris Lopez, Leslie Godbe, Kendra Iwahashi, Gina Iwahashi, Nancy Pryor, Polli Frisch, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Carolyn Thompson, Ashley Thibedeaux, Heidi Ericson, Jo Van Winkle
 Treasurer’s Report: As of 1/11/19 we had 6 paid members. We received dues for 15 members. We paid out monies for our Spinster Retreat reservation, 9/13-15/2019 at Davis Creek Park and paid for supplies for our drop spindles. As of 2/8/19 we have 21 paid members.
 Old Business: Farm Days will be held in Fuji Park, Carson City, April 11-12, please contact Nancy Pryor if you are interested in participating or need more information.
 The Celtic Faire will be held May 18-19th at Bartley Ranch. Ashley will give us more details and updates.
 The Black Sheep Gathering will be held July 5-7th in Albany, Oregon at the Linn County Fairgrounds. For more information go to
 The Nevada State Fair will be held at Mills Park in Carson City June 6-9. For more information go to
 The Comstock Civil War Reenactors would really like to have a Spinning and Weaving section at their Virginia City event August 30-September 2, 2019. They have costumes that we may borrow for the event. For more information,, Lindsay Wagner.

Our March meeting is at Bartly Ranch Saturday March 9th


Friday, February 8, 2019

January 2019 Minets

Guild Minutes-January 12, 2019
In Attendance: Alyce Brown, MimiBullard, Janet Schueloler, Cynthia Peterson, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Gina Caudillo, Chris Lopez, Carol Lopez, Cindy Vogel, Lindsay Doolittle, Janice Johnson, Sandi Steele, Jill Smith, Connie Vann, Judy Wells, Patti Novak-Echenique, Bev Perkins, Susan Palwick, Miriam Volpin, Carolyn Thompson, Virva Porcelli, Jo Van Winkle 

Treasurer’s Report: As of 12-7-18, we had 43 members for 2018. So far we have 6 paid members for 2019.

 New Business: 2019 Slate of Officers: President- Nancy Pryor Vice-President-Virva Porcelli Treasurer-Doris Woloszyn Secretary-Jo Van Winkle FB page/Blog “Web Spinner”- Mimi Bullard Librarian-Heidi Ericson Learning Tree Coordinator- Gina Caudillo Hostess- Carolyn Thompson

Our meetings will be held at:
 February-Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse
 March- Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse
April- Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse
 May- Doris Woloszyn’s home
 June- Mimi Bullard’s home
 July- The Generator
 August-Marilynn Clarke’s home
 September- Spinster Retreat at Davis Creek Park
 October- Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse
 November- Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse
 December- Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse

 The Nevada Small Farm Conference will be held Feb 14-16 at the Atlantis, for more information go to The Celtic Faire will be held May 18-19th, Ashley will give us more details and updates. The Black Sheep Gathering will be held July 5-7th in Albany, Oregon at the Linn County Fairgrounds. For more information go to We received prices for workshops from The Tin Thimble, Loomis, CA. One of the owners, Hannah Arose gave us quotes. The fees her lodging and expenses. She would provide all materials and each workshop would have a maximum of 7 people. $197.00- Nuno Felting 4 hrs.