Thursday, November 8, 2018

October 2018 Minutes

Guild Minutes- October 13, 2018 In Attendance: Connie Vann, Carolyn Thompson, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Kendra Iwahashi, Lindsey Doolittle, Maureen Pisani, Meg Lent, Judy Lauder, Deanna West, Janice Johnson, Sandi Steele, Brigitte Koehler, Nancy Pryor, Nicole Kelly, Mimi Bullard, Virva Porcelli, Miriam Volpin, Heidi Ericson, Jo Van Winkle

 New Business: We will be discussing attending a felting workshop at The Tin Thimble, in Loomis, CA. For information about them-

 Our November meeting at Bartley Ranch is on Nov.10. It will be our Mad Hatter Batt Party! Bring a carder if you can, and fiber to card with all the additions. Please bring any extra odds & ends of blending elements to share on the “community table”. Mad crazy hats are encouraged!

 Marilynn and Nancy have rented space for teaching weaving at The Generator, for a year. The membership is $25.00 per month or $250.00 for a year. For information about The Generator-
Nancy and Marilynn will keep us posted as to progress and times.

 Our December meeting will be our Christmas Potluck, Ornament exchange and the installation of the 2019 Officers. If you wish to participate in the ornament exchange, please bring a handmade ornament to exchange.

See you Saturday Nov 10th for our November meeting!