Monday, March 5, 2018

February Minutes 2018

In Attendance: Jo Van Winkle, Margery McConaghy, Leslie Godbe, Connie Vann, Virva Porcelli, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Sandi Steele, Samantha Strasser, Lilli Moffit, Lindsey Doolittle, Gina Caudillo, Kendra Iwahashi, Gina Iwahashi, Sue Gottsacker, Jo Johnson, Bev Perkins, Patti Novak-Echenique, Alyce Brown, Carolyn Thompson, Mimi Bullard, Maureen Pisani, Lawrence Romiti, Judith Romiti, Heidi Ericson, Deanna West, Nancy Pryor

Treasurer’s Report: As of 1/12/2018 we had 5 members for 2018. We received dues for 20 members, monies for 2 spindle kits, and a donation from Sue Turbow. We paid out monies to Nancy Pryor for 30 spindles. As of 2/9/2018 we have 25 paid members.

Old Business: The American Tapestry Alliance will be holding a show July 1-31st. “The Biggest Little Tapestries in the World!” will hang at the Northwest Reno Public Library, 2325 Robb Drive. The entry form (intent to participate) is due February 15, 2018. The tapestry, and an image of the tapestry is not due until March 31, 2018. Information and entry forms can be found at:

Convergence July 8, 2018, Sheep-to-Shawl competition from 12-5. There will be a $10 admittance fee if you haven’t purchased the package deal for Convergence. Each team will have 1 Liaison person, 4 Spinners, 1 Plyer, 1 Carder, and 1 Weaver. It was discussed that we could have more teams as slots are available. We will be having a practice on the 4th Saturday of each month at the Reno Rails Building, future home of our Fiber Workshop facility on the corner of 4th and Sutro Streets. Times and dates will be posted later. If you have any questions please contact Nancy Pryor or Marilynn Clarke.
Marilynn Clarke said to give her a call if you would like to shop all of Mary Bear’s fiber arts collection which is in Marilynn’s garage.

Gina Caudillo reported she had made contact with Liz, (Susan Pallwick’s sister), regarding the “Sibling Guild” idea and they are very interested. Liz will be visiting next month and we will be discussing projects, etc. for the Guilds to work on together.

Our Learning Tree for our March meeting will be Shibori Dyeing with Gina Iwahashi at the Schoolhouse at Bartley Ranch.

Our April Learning Tree will be another Mad Hatter Batt Party at the Schoolhouse at Bartley Ranch. If you can, please bring your carder and any extra fiber odds & ends that you to share.

May Meeting-Weather permitting, will be held at Doris’s home
June Meeting-Mimi’s home, with an invitation to come and camp out on Friday. We will be doing indigo and other dye projects. Please bring fiber that you want to dye.
July Meeting-Lilli’s Fiber Workshop/Reno Rail Building on the corner of 4th and Sutro Streets
August Meeting-Marilynn Clarke’s home
September Meeting- Spinster Retreat at Davis Creek Campground
October-December meetings will be held at the Schoolhouse at Bartley Ranch.

New Business: Virva Porcelli, our Vice-President and gracious coffee and tea hostess, will be retiring in May and will be moving to Finland in June, we will miss you soooooo much!!!

Heidi reported that if the fundraising goals are not met by May, there will not be a Celtic Fair this year.

Upcoming Events:
Farm Days in Fuji Park in Carson City, Apr.19-20, from 9-3. Set-up will be at 8 a.m. on the 19th, this annual event is indoors. This is a demonstration event for the school kids in the area.
Carson City Fair, outdoors, July, more details later.
Art Town at the Arboretum at Rancho San Rafael, How Art Relates to Nature, July, we will be in Honey’s Garden under the pergola. If you would like to sell, there will be a fee, more details later.
We have been invited to participate at the 7th National Grazing Lands Conference (7NGLC), Dec. 2-5, our booth fee will be $200. More details can be found at