In Attendance:
Amy Shannon, Allison Judge, Janet Drozd, Connie Vann, T. Demeritt,
Janet Schueller, Marilyn Clarke, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi,
Annabelle Younger, Toni Sundberg, Miriam Volpin, Jenny Rader, Gina
Caudillo, Sandi Steele, Judy Wells, Hannah Woods, Nancy Pryor, Mimi
Bullard, Carrie Bleak, Jo Van Winkle, Heidi Ericson
Old Business:
Please bring your
Charitable Donation ideas to March meeting.
A 2 year membership
to Handweavers Guild of America was approved.
We will be having a
Social and Potluck at the March meeting instead of the Learning Tree.
Gina Iwahashi will teach us Shibori, possibly, at the September
Spinster’s Retreat.
We will not be able
to have our November meeting at the Schoolhouse, several members are
checking on other possible sites.
New Business:
HGA and CNCH will
both be held near or in Reno this year. HGA will be held in Squaw
Valley, CNCh may be held at the Peppermill.
We have been invited
to participate in the Artisan Fair at the South Valley’s Library
again this year. It will be held on Saturday, June 17th
from noon until 4 p.m. Will be representing this year? Guild Minutes
February 11, 2017
Our March meeting will be at Bartley Ranch Park Saturday the 11th.
Our March meeting will be at Bartley Ranch Park Saturday the 11th.