Went around with the introductions first. Present at the meeting were Margery Mc C. Marilyn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Susan Palwick, Janet Schueller, Connie Vann, Gina Caudillo, Doris Woloszyn, Heidi Ericson, Miriam Volpin, Patti O'Brien, Maxine Harlow, Julie Svoboda, Sharie Jones, Mimi Bullard, Hanna Woods and Virva Porcelli.
Good turnout. Treasurer's report: As of 5/8/2015 we had $4,550.75. Dues paid and donations for the Taklies $75, minus library and other expenses $48.46. With Stephanie Gaustad's workshop and expenses our balance as of 6/12/2015 is $3,864.73 with 46 paid members.
Keeper of the Books, Heidi reports she is working on getting "Monthly Library Box" for the meetings together. We have a lot of good new books and DVD.
Old Busines Stephanie's workshop was a lot of fun, very productive and learned a lot. There was only 9 people. Unfortunately Many attendees had to cancel their participation for personal reasons. Spindle Camp at Lake Frances Resort with Foothill Fiber Guild in early June was lots of fun and the weather was perfect . Black Sheep Gathering coming up June 18-21st in Eugene, Oregon. Gold Discovery Days Plumas-Eureka state park near Graeagle July 18 & 19th, Spinning demonstration and lots of fun. Art Town Event at the Arboretum coming up Sunday July 26th from 9am till 12 noon. Booths and spinning. Nevada State Fair July 30th thru Aug. 2nd. Taking sign-ups for the Spinners' booth demonstration. Stephanie Gaustad judging fleece and fiber arts. Check the Fair web site for entrie information. "Free spinning" outside. Celtic Fair October 3&4th at the Bartley Ranch. Our October meeting is held at the Fair on the 3rd.
New Business Craft Fair in Stagecoach August 22nd. Check with Gina for more info. "Urban Roots" school looking for volunteers to teach Fiber Stuff. July meeting at Mim's place on the 11th.
Workshop will be Dying Sock Planks, $10 each Sock Plank. Bring a chair. August meeting at the Arboretum. A Tree Tour possible for a "Work Shop". September Retreat at Davis Creek Park !!-13th, meeting Saturday the 12th. Work Shop will be dying silk hankies (donated by Nancy Grundi's family) and Cotton - Flax spinning. November meeting at Bartley Ranch 14th. Mad Hater's bat Party, bring your odd and end fibers and drum carders. December Christmas Party at Bartley Ranch. Meeting adjourned. Show and Tell, lunch and Indigo/matter/onion skin dying.
Driving Directions, do not use GPS they will take you on a wild ride!!!!!!!
Mim Bullard
is in Rancho Haven: From Reno, drive north on Hwy 395 to the first
Red Rock exit #78, after the Stead Blvd exit. Drive 20 miles to the
Sierra Ranchos Valley, and take the first left (after Jeanette
Miller’s alpaca ranch ) onto Arabian. It’s a dirt road but has a
county sign. Drive up into the valley and turn left on Rancho, then
continue several hundred yards and turn right on Thoroughbred. Mim
is about two miles up and on the right – 455 Thoroughbred Circle.
If you are coming in from California, the north Red Rock exit is 13
miles past the exit for Hwy 70 at Hallelujah Junction and only turns
right. Continue four miles from the State line, past the volunteer
fire house and turn right on Rancho, at mailbox central. There is a
cell signal at the mail boxes. Mim’s number is 775-969-3249. You
must use 775. Drive to first right and turn right on Rancho a second
time, then continue several hundred yards and turn right on
Thoroughbred. Mim is about two miles up and on the right – 455
Thoroughbred Circle.