New Business: 1. Ashley announced the guild now has a Clemes & Clemes spinning wheel, a loom, some hand carders, and some spinning and weaving books donated by someone’s grandmother. Robin will take and fix the wheel which needs a $22 part. Roland’s family may checkout the loom. The hand carders and books will go to the library. 2. Virva asked if any members would be interested in a linen workshop in 2015. The Reno Fiber Guild is inviting a teacher to do a workshop for spinning flax and we might ask for an additional workshop from her. After discussion, members wanted more info before deciding. Virva will let us know. 3. Nancy reported the Nevada State Museum in Carson City has a permanent display of rugs in their textile display that need repair. She moved that the guild donate $500 for repair of Navaho weaving on display. Marilynn seconded. After discussion, the motion passed by general consent. After Show and Tell, the meeting was adjourned. In attendance: Marilyn Pearson, Pam Sutton, Maxene Harlow, Susan Coates, Ashley Thibedeau, Janet Schueller, Susan Palwick, Sandra Carruthers, Spencer Carruthers, Al Carruthers, Judy Wells, Virva Porcelli, Kiera Mayberry, Jan Mayberry, Eileen Cornwell, Nancy Pryor, Marilynn Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Mimi Bullard, Robin Gallagher, Margery McConaghy, Myna Giannotti, Eileen Jacobs, Sandi Steele, Hannah Woods, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Heidi Ericson, and Jo Van Winkle.
Doris Woloszyn’s
in Chilcoot , California .
Hwy. 395 north from Reno , past Bordertown
into California . Exit 395 at Hwy. 70 to Portola/Quincy, turn
left on Hwy. 70 going west for about 2 miles.
Turn left on Scott Road
after crossing Long Valley Creek, before going up Beckwourth Pass. Scott
Road is dirt, and after 4/10 mile to the railroad
crossing you’ll pass 2 homes (stay left on main road, not right up the hill),
the railroad tracks and creek will be on your left.
Continue south on Scott
Road for one and a half miles to a small bridge
over Scott Creek .
Another 4/10 mile to a large Cottonwood
tree and the 3rd home, this is where the county stops grading the
road so it’s a little rougher. Another
2/10 mile to several buildings on hill with SPRAGUE sign, but stay to left and
pass the driveway. Next 3/10 mile the
road curves from left to right up a small hill.
Stay to the right at the fork, going up the hill and look for my 404-185
sign on a “rock jack” fence corner. This
is where you turn right onto my driveway.
My driveway is 4/10 mile, first straight with a woven wire
fence on the left and barb wire fence on the right, then at the next group of
rock jacks curve right, down over the culvert and up hill to my house …cedar
siding with a dark green metal roof and large wooden barn in back. Sounds complicated but there are very few
places out here. I’ll try to put up some
signs to help. Call 530-993-4296 if you
have questions or need help.