Thursday, January 9, 2014

December 2013 Minutes

Carson Sierra Spinners and Weavers Guild
December 14, 2013 Minutes
Sharie L. Jones and Maxene Harlow, Co-Presidents

The meeting was held at Bartley Ranch and was called to order at 11:00 am.

The November minutes were approved by general consent.
Members welcomed back Carol Lopez.

Treasurer’s Report: Doris reported we sold 4 spindle kits ($26) and received $20 in donations. She has reserved the Davis Creek Park location for our September 12-13, 2014 retreat for $350. She purchased gallon plastic bags for $8.01. The treasury has $3400.93 with 50 paid members. Dues ($25 a year) are due in January to Doris. There was discussion of the guild’s annual donation to Heifer International. It was decided to go ahead with that donation for this year but do some research into other possibilities for next year.

Library Report: Heidi reported the guild has purchased four DVDs: “Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom”, “Life After Warping”, “Tablet Weaving Made Easy”, and “Dyeing in the Kitchen”. The library also has “The Gentle Art of Plying” and “Three Bags Full” by Judith McKenzie. Heidi also has several Cotton Spinning DVDs. Please contact her to check out a DVD for 30 days. If you want any other DVDs, let Heidi know. Nancy Pryor donated a book, “Primary Structures of Fabrics”.

Old Business:
  1. Sharie reported all the reservations for our 2014 meeting dates have been completed.
  2. Max reported the arboretum group that Marilynn belongs to wants to partner with us for the Fashion Show in June or July 2014. The theme will be “The Queen’s Tea Party” and will be a fundraiser for the arboretum. Guild members can make things to sell/raffle at the event.
  3. Max asked if members want to participate in the Carson Rendezvous at Mills Park in Carson City the second weekend in June 2014 (Fri, Sat, Sun). We could have our meeting there. It is the same weekend as the Tahoe Renaissance Fair. We’ll vote on this at the next meeting.
  4. Max asked members if the guild wants to purchase a brick on the walkway in front of the schoolhouse at Barley Ranch where we meet. Cost is $50 a brick. Margie seconded and the idea was approved by general consent.

New Business:
  1. Members discussed the possibility of a guild Facebook page to share information. Marilyn P. moved to start a private/closed Facebook group for guild members that wished to use it. Margie seconded. The motion was approved.
  2. Officers for the 2014 guild year were approved by general consent: Sharie and Max will continue as co-presidents, Virva will be Vice President, Marilyn and Kendra will share the Secretary position (surprise Kendra!), Doris will continue as Treasurer, Heidi will continue as “Keeper of the Knowledge”, and it was decided we don’t need a Raffle coordinator since we have so much money in the treasury.
  3. Connie asked if the guild wanted to organize a spinning in the schools demo that we could offer to the district through the Artist in Residence program. Virva, Max, and Mim reported their efforts to do demos/teach spinning and fiber arts at various school settings. The discussion will continue at the next meeting.

Show and Tell: Max showed more of her Molly Dolls and some roving she made at a batt party. She wants to make our Batt Party an annual event. She also had a Christmas lights necklace and a Hersey’s Kiss hat. Virva showed her Free Lace scarf that she put through the washer to felt. She showed a two-ply blue yarn she made from her batt party efforts and will make it into a vest. She made a hackle from combs after seeing Sharie’s at the party. Rhonda showed some ornaments she made felting wool with chopsticks using cookies cutters to shape the fiber. Judy W. showed a green scarf she made and some gorgeous wooden knitting bowls her husband made. She had several for sale and took orders for more at $45 each. Mim showed some kitchen concoctions including a sourdough starter she’s willing to share. Myna showed an elaborate green dragon stuffed animal she knitted, complete with wings. Heidi hosted a batt party recently and is donating 3 batts for the spindle kits. Carol showed a cashmere afghan she’s been working on in a ripple pattern. Mary S. showed some arm warmers with a thumbhole she made in a light mint green. Robin bought a used drum carder for $200, got fleece from Doris, watched the “Three Bags Full” DVD, and showed the resulting batts. Nancy Pryor reported the guild’s electric spinner now has a foot peddle to control the speed better. She has some dyed Romney braid for sale. She also showed a lovely woven jacket she made. Janet S. showed a recycled yarn sweater she’s knitting for her grandson from his great grandma’s sweater. She also showed some yarn she made from strips of old t-shirts. Sheila showed some crocodile slippers she made. Marilyn P. showed a nice travel bag Myna made for her to carry the rigid heddle loom they both bid on (but Myna got) at the retreat in September. Myna has generously gifted the loom, bag, and accompanying book to Marilyn. Mary B. is happy to be knitting. She reports Jimmy Bean’s has core-spinning yarn for sale at $35 for a small skein. Jessi showed kitty and octopus ornaments she made and is selling in her Etsy shop online. Judy A. made ornaments on wooden spools from leftover batts that she needle-felted. She also showed a lovely dyed silk scarf she made and then added felt accents done with wet felting.

In Attendance: Marilyn Pearson, Bev Perkins, Mary B., Jessi Casey, Judy Applegarth, Sharie L. Jones, Maxene Harlow, Virva Porcelli, Barbara Hunt, Connie Vann, Sue Gottsacker, Alfred Hingiss (guest), Judy Wells, Rhonda La Fountaine, Margery McConaghy, Mimi Bullard, Myna Giannotti, Heidi Ericson, Christine Lopez, Carol Lopez, Mary Sherman, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Toni Strassburg, Robin Gallagher, Nancy Pryor, Janet Schueller, Sheila Young.

Next Meeting: January 11, 2014, 11:00 at Bartley Ranch Schoolhouse