CSSW April 2013 Meeting Minutes
Meeting started at 11 am with introductions. Minutes for March were approved. Doris was absent, so Sharie presented the treasurer information. $200.00 was paid in dues, $5.00 was profit for sale of books, $32.86 was reimbursed to Virva for the purchase of hand dye books. $434.00 was paid out in liability insurance, Davis Creek Park camping space was reserved, leaving the Guild with a total of $3174.21 on account.
No library report as Heidi was not present, however a very generous donation of spinning and weaving items were donated by Lane Magnin to our Guild. It was decided these items which include out of print publications will reside in our library.
Sharon Campbell wants to donate 2 spinning stools (Ashford and Kromski) to our guild. It was decided to accept her generous offer, and save the stools for the silent auction at our annual retreat.
Virva purchased a DVD set from a sale at Interweave, Judith McKensie Three Bags Full. The sale price was $29.00, regularly $40.00. A motion was made and approved to purchase the DVD set from Virva for our library. Discussion followed regarding a viewing of the DVDs at a later date.
Old Business: Marilynn Clarke’s dye class, scheduled for May 18,19, was moved to Sept 21,22 due to low sign up numbers. Only 5 people signed up. Discussion followed regarding advertising the class to a broader audience. The cut off date for sign up for the September date will be July 13th. Cost of class (cost of class covers Marilynn’s out of pocket expenses) dependant on number of sign ups). Celtic Fair still scheduled for the first weekend in October. No new updates at this time. Carson City Farm Days at Fuji Park April 18, 19, 8am to approx. 1pm. CNCH May 31, June 1 1pm to 4 pm at Resort at Squaw Creek. Apparently there was some issue with sign ups for classes at CNCH. You can contact Suzanna Woodhead to see what classes still have seats available. Spindle Camp June 25, 29. CSSW retreat September 13, 14, 15. Learning tree at the retreat will be presented by Max. She is planning on instruction of a free lace shawl or wrap. Max is planning on putting together kits with the stabilizer needed for 1 project along with the instructions. Discussion followed regarding the Guild reimbursing Max for the cost of a bolt of stabilizer. Max will be able to determine the cost of stabilizer and will provide information at the next meeting for Guild vote. She will also bring samples of what kind of items might be appropriate for you to consider gathering for your free lace project.
New Business: The Pioneer Yarn Co. has moved to 1653 Lucerne Street. It is in the strip mall, with a sign out front on the street. The new owner is very receptive of ideas for classes, along with promoting hand spinners in our area. Monday April 15th is shearing at Anna Harvey’s ranch in the Calpine area on A-23. Items and fleeces are available for sale. Discussion regarding learning tree experiences followed. Max and Sharie presented a really interesting idea regarding a community fashion show. Think about the possibilities! Discussion followed regarding realizing this lofty goal. Western Heritage Fair to be held this year on Victorian Square in Sparks. The date is May 11th. We realize this co insides with our meeting at Doris’ home that day, but perhaps some members might want to set up and demo spinning etc. after the meeting. The Heritage Fair runs from 11am to 6pm. Today’s learning tree is about Merino sheep breed in America and is being presented by Ellen Fenn. Ellen is heading back to Vermont for the season. Thank you Ellen, for sharing your knowledge.
Show and Tell started with Sharie. She showed off her un-birthday present from Max, a cute apron decorated with pies. Seems Sharie has quite an apron collection, and loves to bake pies! Max showed off her Mother’s day potholders (remember giving those to mom when you were young?) aprons, and her Maxi skirt, knit from her pattern, drop spindle spun modular knitted wrap, crochet dress with under dress fabric designed by Todd Oldham. Nancy shared her painted warp she is offering for sale. Mim explained her accident resulting in a torn heel tendon in her foot. Mim has of course found a great fleece alternative to the discomfort of the ’boot’ she has to wear during her recovery. She has been house bound, and is very grateful to her friends for helping her with her animal related chores. Robin shared her own hand spun hand knit owl hat she admired from a previous meeting during show and tell. (seems to me that show and tell goes a long way in the process of our guild members trying something new) Toni shared the woven bead bracelet her kind sister Robin made for her. Carolyn brought a couple of examples of vintage 70’s basket weaving using jute, a tapestry needle, and leftover yarn she felt suitable for a travel project. The patterns were found in the Basket Magic Booklet. Connie brought her beautiful finished bamboo sock yarn tank top. Leslee showed off her batt made from fiber bought from fellow member Mim. Batt represents springtime theme colors. Ashley shared her green shawl, and lovely lavender cowl. Sue shared some information regarding the Lace Guild bulletin for the exhibition and convention with one of her own patterns. Though the pattern was not credited to Sue in the bulletin, our members know her talent is legendary.
Meeting ended at 12:45 with lunch and learning tree to follow.
Those present included: Toni Strassburg, Robin Gallagher, Mimi Bullard, Nancy Pryor, Marge McConaghy, Ellen N Fenn, Maxene Harlow, Sharie L Jones. Virva Porcelli, Barbara Hunt, Janet Schueller, Carol Lopez, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley, Thibedeau, Leslie Godbe, Marilynn Clarke, Connie Vann, Carolyn Thompson, Eileen Jacobs, Sue Gottsacker.
Directions below to our May meeting at Doris's Ranch
Doris Woloszyn’s
in Chilcoot, California.
Hwy. 395 north from Reno, past Bordertown
into California. Exit 395 at Hwy. 70 to Portola/Quincy, turn
left on Hwy. 70 going west for about 2 miles.
Turn left on Scott Road
after crossing Long Valley Creek, before going up Beckwourth Pass. Scott
Road is dirt, and after 4/10 mile to the railroad
crossing you’ll pass 2 homes(stay left on main road, not right up the hill),
the railroad tracks and creek will be on your left.
Continue south on Scott
Road for one and a half miles to a small bridge
over Scott Creek.
Another 4/10 mile to a large Cottonwood
tree and the 3rd home, this is where the county stops grading the
road so it’s a little rougher. Another
2/10 mile to several buildings on hill with SPRAGUE sign, but stay to left and
pass the driveway. Next 3/10 mile the
road curves from left to right up a small hill.
Stay to the right at the fork, going up the hill and look for my 404-185
sign on a “rock jack” fence corner. This
is where you turn right onto my driveway.
My driveway is 4/10 mile,
first straight with a wooden fence on the left and barb wire fence on
the right, then at the next group of rock jacks curve right, down over the
culvert and up hill to my house …cedar siding with a dark green metal roof and
large wooden barn in back. Sounds
complicated but there are very few places out here. I’ll try to put up some signs to help. Call 530-993-4296 if you have questions or
need help.