Sunday, December 9, 2012

November 2012 Minutes

Our January meeting will be Jan 12th at Bartley Ranch School House Dec minutes coming soon!
 The November 10, 2012 meeting of Carson Sierra Spinners and Weavers was to have been held at Bartley Ranch in Reno but the facility was locked so the meeting was moved to Vice President Connie Vann’s house. Thank you Connie! Connie also ran the meeting as President Virva Porcelli was attending a workshop. Minutes of last meeting: adopted with no changes. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Doris Woloszyn reported the guild’s bank balance is $3339.40 with 48 members. Library Report: Librarian Heidi Ericson has put all the guild’s books and media on a website,, where members can read descriptions and then email Heidi with items they’d like to check out at the next meeting. Further details coming soon. There are two new DVDs in the library: “Color in the Kitchen” and “Spinning on a Top Whorl”. Old Business: Connie reported President Virva has nominated Sharie Jones and Max Harlow to be co-presidents next year. Connie asked if anyone else was interested. Nancy Pryor expressed interest. Marilyn Pearson nominated her and Doris Woloszyn seconded. Members voted to accept both nominations. New Business: Heifer International: President Virva suggests the guild donate $370 to Heifer International ($120 for sheep, $150 for llamas, and $100 for Women’s Empowerment). Nancy Pryor so moved, Susan Palwick seconded, and the members voted to approve the motion. Llama Fleece: Sharie Jones has received 3 bags of llama fleece from a fellow who would like the guild to evaluate it for use in spinning and weaving. Sharie says they are a little dirty and she suggests combing them first and then carding. She’d like someone with experience with llama fleece to evaluation them. Please contact Sharie if you can help. Show and Tell: Linda Lindsay is moving to Medford Oregon and this was her last meeting. She will miss everyone but will have an open house for Black Sheep next summer. Leslie Godbe brought a bag of Spin Off magazines donated by her guest from LA. Susan Palwick showed her first yarn spun on a Jenkins and plied on a wheel. She also brought a box of acrylic yarn to give away. Heidi Ericson showed her technique for “unspinning” silk scarves and knitting them into an interlock stole. Jo Van Winkle showed a scarf her daughter made from Mimi Bullard’s hand dyed BFL wool and silk blend. Mimi Bullard brought lots of fiber and some Fire Star to sell. Sharie Jones showed her new spindle, gifted to her by Virva, and recommended the book “The Natural Knitter” which is great for dyeing and knitting. Kendra Iwahashi showed the yarn she spun on a spindle but needs help plying without entangling her cat. Nancy Pryor showed different yarns/preps from the same fleece. She also discussed and later demonstrated seaming versus washing yarn. Yellow Wool Mill makes woolen yarn. Marilyn Pearson showed the alpaca yarn she spun and dyed with KoolAid to make her granddaughter a stocking cap. Doris Woloszyn showed the Reserve Champion Natural Colored banner her Merino sheep, Yola, won at a recent event in Monterey along with several ribbons. Members asked if they could buy that fleece but Doris reports they sell at shows for quite a hefty price. Learning Tree: After lunch, Heidi Ericson gave a presentation on her 7-day SOAR (Spin Off Autumn Retreat) experience at Granlibakken Conference Center in Tahoe City recently. She attended a 3-day workshop, “Color Works”, given by Deb Mentz. Heidi showed the various solid color fibers and what happens to them when blended with a drum carder. Several members discussed the possibility of purchasing a bulk order of solid color wool from the Ashland Bay company. Heidi also took Judith Mackenzie’s “Wild Downs” workshop and showed various fibers from that class including bison undercoat, yak down, a yak-merino-silk blend, and cashmere fiber. Her third class was an Andean Spinning class where she learned about a women’s coop of spinners and weavers who work to ensure the survival of Incan/Peruvian textiles. More at Lastly, Heidi attended a class on spinning cotton where she learned techniques to spin yarn fine enough for 6100 yds per pound!
 Attendance: Marilyn Pearson, Mariann LaMonte, Doris Woloszyn, Connie Vann, Elaine and Dale Magnin, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Leslie Godbe, Susan Palwick, Mimi Bullard, Jo Van Winkle, Margery McConaghy, Sharie L. Jones, Heidi Ericson, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Marilynn Clarke, and Nancy Pryor.
December 8th Meeting: will be held at Bartley Ranch and includes a potluck and ornament exchange. If you’d like to participate, please bring a wrapped ornament and your favorite dish to pass. Bartley Ranch: Drive .8 mile west from the intersection of McCarran Blvd and Hwy 395.  Turn left (south) on Lakeside Drive and continue .4 mile.  Bartley Ranch is at the north base of Windy Hill.  Turn left on Bartley Ranch Road and continue several hundred feet to the main parking lot.  Cross the covered bridge and turn right into the parking lot for the School House.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

October 2012 Minutes

2012 Celtic Fair
Meeting minutes for CSSW, October 2012 Meeting was held at Bartley Ranch school house in Reno Nevada. The minutes from September were approved with one correction regarding the raffle. We are running low on raffle items, so if you have anything to donate to the raffle, please bring items to a future meeting. The next raffle is scheduled to be held at the January meeting. Treasurer Report: The items donated for the silent auction earned the guild $307 and the fiber earned $134, for a total of $441.00. Again a big thank you goes out to Nancy Grunwald for her generous donation of fiber and items for the auction. A thank you too, for all of you who bid on the items! Two new members were added, four spindle kits were sold, and the cleaning deposit for our campsite at Davis Creek Park was returned by Washoe County. This leaves the guild with a total of $3462.29 in account, with 48 paid members. There was a motion to reimburse Nancy Pryor for supplies purchased for making spindle kits. Motion approved. Discussion regarding naming our mascot sheep. If you have a name to add to the list for the vote to be held at the Christmas meeting, please let the guild know. Library: no new business to report.
Old Business: Celtic Fair was very well attended by both the guild, and the public. Discussion followed regarding banners for next year. Nancy Pryor acted as liaison for the guild at the CNCH luncheon. Nancy filled us in regarding the workshops and instruction to be held at the next CNCH gathering held May 31 to June 2 2013. Discussion regarding Warner Mountain Weavers newsletter from Bonnie in Cedarville California. Meeting places for 2013 were discussed as follows: Bartley Ranch for the months of February, April, October, and December (tentative). Sky Peaks for the months of January, March, and November (tentative). May meeting at Doris Woloszyn home, June at Marilynn Clark home, July at Mimi Bullard home, August at Wilbur May Arboretum, September at Davis Creek Park (retreat). November meeting is at Sky Peak. Connie Vann will be filling in for Virva. Officers for the upcoming year were discussed. Marilyn Pearson expressed willingness to act as the guild secretary. Doris, Mimi, Heidi all accepted to continue on with their offices. Do you have a nomination for guild president? Please let the guild know if you are interested.
There were some missing items from the retreat. Specifically, a doffer, metal with a red handle, belonging to Marilynn Clarke. Please check your stuff to make sure you didn’t take it home by accident. New Business: Heidi passed along an email regarding a spinning and/or weaving class for a local Montessori school. Instruction for a home made drying rack are available from Virva. Gold Country Alpaca Gathering at Nevada County Fairgrounds October 20,21. If you want to carpool from Truckee please let Virva know. Linda and Mark Lindsay are moving to Oregon before the end of the year. Perhaps a card and cake might be appropriate at the November meeting? They will be missed very much! Sharie shared information regarding a workshop with Lexi Boeger the 24th and 25th at her studio in Placerville. Cost is $150 for two days. More info can be found at Lexi’s website A couple of the guild spinning wheels have been returned and are available. October learning tree is a carding demo with Sharie and Maxine after lunch. Attendance included: Matthew Moses, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Myna Giannotti, Sue Gottsacker, Doris Woloszyn, Dale Holcombe, Marilynn, Clarke, Margery McConaghy, Nancy Pryor, Carol Lopez, Mimi Bullard, Libby Hejny, Barbara Hunt, Virva Porcelli, Janet Schueller, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow, Mary B, Judy Wells, Sheila Young, Marilyn Pearson, Heidi Ericson, Connie Vann, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Toni Strassburg

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 2012 Minutes

September 2012 Meeting Minutes

The September meeting for the Carson Sierra Spinners and Weavers was held at Davis Creek Park, just north of Bowers Mansion. The camp area was full, and the spinning circle was evident around the fire pit. The weather was perfect! The meeting started with introductions. We had two guests present, Chris Lopez, daughter of Carol Lopez, and Bonnie Chase from Warner Mountain Weavers in Cedarville California. For those of you unfamiliar with Warner Mountain Weavers, it is a beautiful store in Cedarville. Bonnie offers many classes at the store, and thought it is a bit of a drive from Reno, this secretary knows from experience that the classes offered are top notch.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved. There was one mistake regarding the date of the September meeting, that was corrected shortly after the minutes were posted.
Library: Heidi led discussion regarding purchasing new items for the guild library. It was determined that she would take advantage of a current sale by purchasing past issues of Spin Off and two books.
 Treasurer Report: Doris said we have received 2 more paid dues, and $17 for spindle kits sold. Guild balance is currently $2931.34. There are currently 46 paid members of the guild. Doris also mentioned the generosity of Nancy Grunwald for her donation of bags of fiber and fiber related items to the guild for our silent auction. Nancy owns a ranch in the Red Rock area, and raises sheep and alpacas.  Nancy’s past donations, along with the current items are one of the reasons the guild has managed to maintain an account to keep the guild going. Thank you Nancy!
Old Business: Celtic Fair discussion. Nothing new to report at this time. October meeting will be held at Bartley Ranch Park, in the school house. Learning tree for that meeting will be a carding demo, or the Fleece and Fiber source book and samples. To be determined. Discussion regarding the CNCH luncheon at Squaw Creek September 22. Nancy Prior will be our representative for that luncheon. It was decided by members present, that due to the current high cost of fuel, the guild would reimburse Nancy for travel expenses for the trip.
New Business: It’s that time again! Start thinking about next year’s officer elections. Election to be held prior to the new year. Discussion regarding meeting places for next year. Marilynn Clarke led discussion regarding the dye workshop for next year. It was determined that the workshop would tentatively be held the third weekend in May 2013. Please make plans to attend, as Marilynn has a treasure of knowledge to pass along regarding all areas of textile dying. Barbara Hunt asked for assistance with the raffle for the month of October. Caral Lopez generously offered to help with that raffle as Barbara will be unable to attend. Doris Woloszyn shared info regarding the sheep dog trials being held September 25 through the 30th in Klamath, California. Even if you have never owned sheep, or a herding dog for that matter, the competition is still very amazing and entertaining to watch. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 with lunch and Lexi’s workshop following.
Attendance: Toni Strassburg, David Armer, Matthew Moses, Janet Drozd, Eileen Jacobs, Marilynn Clarke, Caral Lopez, Chris Lopez, Heidi Ericson, Sharie L. Jones, Myna Giannotti, Ashley Thibedeau, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Jo Van Winkle, Marilyn Pearson, Mimi Bullard, Judy Wells, Barbara Hunt, Bonnie Chase, Doris Woloszyn, Virva Porcelli, Lynn Purvis, Nancy Pryor, Margery McConaghy, Sharon Campbell, Janet Schuler, Susan Palwick, Sheila Young
Next Meeting October 13th is at:

Bartley Ranch:.  Drive .8 mile west from the intersection of McCarran Blvd and Hwy 395.  Turn left (south) on Lakeside Drive and continue .4 mile.  Bartley Ranch is at the north base of Windy Hill.  Turn left on Bartley Ranch Road and continue several hundred feet to the main parking lot.  Cross the covered bridge and turn right into the parking lot for the School House.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 2012 Minutes

August 2012 meeting minutes
August meeting was held at Rancho San Rafael Park in a nice shady spot in front of the arboretum. Thanks to Marilynn Clarke for suggesting this spot for our meeting. Despite the promise of another warm day, it was a comfortable place to meet.
There were a couple of guests present for this meeting, and introductions were made all around.
The meeting minutes for July were not posted as of Saturday, but should be on the guild website shortly. Treasurer Report. Two more dues were paid for a total of 44 members. Marilyn Pearson was reimbursed for a part bought for one of the guild’s wheels. Current guild treasury total is $ 2864.34.
Library. We have yet to use the yearly one hundred dollar allotment set aside for new media for our guild library. If there is anything in particular you are interested in seeing added to our library, please let Heidi or the guild know. Weaving study. Discussion regarding the extreme cost of fuel for Nancy to continue driving into Reno and the surrounding areas just to instruct one or two people on looms. It was decided that if you are interested in learning more about your loom, you should contact Nancy Pryor directly, and discuss the possibility of a one on one lesson at a cost reasonable to both you and Nancy.
Old Business. Dye workshop will be put off until spring of next year.
Discussion regarding the art yarn workshop with Lexi Boeger. Please contact Sharie Jones if you have paid for the workshop, and are planning on attending. The cost is currently at $35. The workshop will be held on September 8th at Davis Creek Park during our retreat. If you have any questions regarding the workshop, or payment for the same, you can contact Lexi at 530 391 8012. There is a list of suggested materials you might want to bring along, and that information should be sent out to all participants prior to the workshop date. Please remember the September meeting is potluck, and there will be a silent auction along with opportunities to purchase/sell/donate items too. If possible, please bring ice to the meeting also.
Learning tree discussion included a carding demo, and using the fleece and fiber identification books at up coming meetings. Due to Linda and her husband moving to Oregon, we are going to need a new contact for the Celtic Fair organization. Nancy agreed to provide the contact for the guild.
New Business. Discussion regarding the luncheon being held September 22. Susanne Woodhead, with the Reno Fiber Guild invited a member of our guild to attend the luncheon regarding CNCH. Nancy Prior volunteered to attend on behalf of CSSW.
Show and Tell: Marilynn: spun ingeo (spun corn fiber) dyed with red heart. Sharie: sock blank dyed with dead head flowers, shared story regarding her new wheel. Max: deconstructed stockinet knit with Noro yarn, Dead head dyed sock blanks, repaired drum carder, skirt. Janet: recycled sweater vest yarn turned socks. Lynn: Vogue hounds tooth pattern she wants to replicate. Mim: merino, bamboo, tussah silk top, new fibers. Margery: latest basket gourds. Nancy: demo regarding oil coating cards for easier fiber carding along with skeins of spun fiber. Linda: shared the sad story of how her beloved wheel ended up broken prior to the meeting. Eileen: shawlette from a pattern introduced by Sharie at the last meeting, and spun from one of Doris’ sheep - Danica, also wolf fiber from Animal Ark. Susan P: seems there are many science fiction writers/readers wearing scarves she knit herself and sold during the science fiction writers show, spindolyn spindle, her FIRST hand spun yarn! Kendra: hand knit shawl, wool scarf made from yarn her sister dyed. Virva: panda shawl, Navaho spindle bought at Black Sheep. Gina: hand dyed tencil roving, hand dyed cotton yarn.
Meeting was adjourned and lunch followed.
Attendance included: Toni Strassburg, Jo Van Winkle, Eileen Jacobs, Doris Woloszyn, Matt Moses, David Armer, Susan Moses, Leslie Godbe, Susan Palwick, Gina Iwahashi, Kendra Iwahashi, Virva Porcelli, Marilynn Clarke, Lynn Purvis, Janet Schueller, Mimi Bullard, Margery Mc Conaghy, Jennifer S Bates, Nancy Pryor, Linda Lindsay, Marilyn Pearson, Max Harlow, Sharie L. Jones.

July 2012 Minutes

Meeting Minutes June 2012
Our guild meeting was held at the home of Marilynn Clarke in Reno, Nevada. Thank you Marilynn, for providing a beautiful sunny spot for us to meet. Heidi Ericson filled in for Virva, as she was unavailable to attend. Thank you very much Heidi!
Treasurer Report: 41 paid members and a total of $2841.84 guild balance.
Old Business: Living History Fair at Miguel Ribera park was nice, but the attendance seemed sparse.
There is still room for attendance at Marilynn’s dye workshop to be held in August. Please contact Marilynn Clarke to reserve your spot. Workshop to be held August 4th and 5th.
Learning tree for this meeting will be dead head flower dying after the meeting. Marilynn is providing freezer dried blooms for instruction.
New Business: An art yarn class to be held during our annual retreat was discussed. Cost was determined at approximately $70 per person, with the chance of cost going up or down depending on participation. Lexi Boger from Plucky Fluff would be the instructor for the class. July will be the deadline for decision regarding the class. Discussion regarding the guild paying part of the class cost followed.
Introductions were held at the end of the meeting. We had two guests, Robin Gallagher, and Margery McConaghy.
Show and Tell: Heidi started show and tell with some beautiful woven towels. Toni- scarf and hat. Marilynn had plant sale leftovers. Mary shared her Stephanie scarf #2,  Nancy- ball yarn holder. Sherrie- an ingenious hair ‘pick‘ comb hackle, charm stitch markers, drum carded batts.  Max- a lovingly reconditioned drum carder and accessory bags.  Margery - beautiful hand decorated gourds. Gary- stunning weavings.
Those in attendance included: Robin Gallagher, Heidi Ericson, Toni Strassburg, Mim Bullard, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Kendra Iwahashi, Julie Smith, Sharon Rajki, Susan Palwick, Carolyn Thompson, Marilyn Pearson, Nancy Pryor, Margery McConaghy, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Meeting Minutes June 2012
Our guild meeting was held at the home of Marilynn Clarke in Reno, Nevada. Thank you Marilynn, for providing a beautiful sunny spot for us to meet. Heidi Ericson filled in for Virva, as she was unavailable to attend. Thank you very much Heidi!
Treasurer Report: 41 paid members and a total of $2841.84 guild balance.
Old Business: Living History Fair at Miguel Ribera park was nice, but the attendance seemed sparse.
There is still room for attendance at Marilynn’s dye workshop to be held in August. Please contact Marilynn Clarke to reserve your spot. Workshop to be held August 4th and 5th.
Learning tree for this meeting will be dead head flower dying after the meeting. Marilynn is providing freezer dried blooms for instruction.
New Business: An art yarn class to be held during our annual retreat was discussed. Cost was determined at approximately $70 per person, with the chance of cost going up or down depending on participation. Lexi Boger from Plucky Fluff would be the instructor for the class. July will be the deadline for decision regarding the class. Discussion regarding the guild paying part of the class cost followed.
Introductions were held at the end of the meeting. We had two guests, Robin Gallagher, and Margery McConaghy.
Show and Tell: Heidi started show and tell with some beautiful woven towels. Toni- scarf and hat. Marilynn had plant sale leftovers. Mary shared her Stephanie scarf #2,  Nancy- ball yarn holder. Sherrie- an ingenious hair ‘pick‘ comb hackle, charm stitch markers, drum carded batts.  Max- a lovingly reconditioned drum carder and accessory bags.  Margery - beautiful hand decorated gourds. Gary- stunning weavings.
Those in attendance included: Robin Gallagher, Heidi Ericson, Toni Strassburg, Mim Bullard, Doris Woloszyn, Marilynn Clarke, Kendra Iwahashi, Julie Smith, Sharon Rajki, Susan Palwick, Carolyn Thompson, Marilyn Pearson, Nancy Pryor, Margery McConaghy, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow.

This next meeting will be at Mimi Bullards brown bag. Bring a chair.

Mim Bullard is in Rancho Haven:  From Reno, drive north on Hwy 395 to the first Red Rock exit #78, after the Stead Blvd exit.  Drive 20 miles to the Sierra Ranchos Valley, and take the first left (after Jeanette Miller’s alpaca ranch ) onto Arabian.  It’s a dirt road but has a county sign.  Drive up into the valley and turn left on Rancho, then continue several hundred yards and turn right on Thoroughbred.  Mim is about two miles up and on the right – 455 Thoroughbred Circle.  If you are coming in from California, the north Red Rock exit is 13 miles past the exit for Hwy 70 at Hallelujah Junction and only turns right.  Continue four miles from the State line, past the volunteer fire house and turn right on Rancho, at mailbox central.  There is a cell signal at the mail boxes.  Mim’s number is 775-969-3249.  You must use 775.  Drive about two miles and turn right on Rancho,  then continue several hundred yards and turn right on Thoroughbred.  Mim is about two miles up and on the right – 455 Thoroughbred Circle. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Minutes May 2012

Minutes 5/12/12

Treasurer’s Report:
We received $30 for dues, we have 40 paid members.
$518.00 was used to pay the liability insurance, the Davis Creek campsite was paid for
Our balance is $2822.00

$100 is allotted each year for additions to the library. Please email Heidi with recommendations for books or videos.

Old Business:
Member dues are due and payable.
The Living History Faire- set-up is at 8:30, our booth number is 41, Mimi has maps. We may park on Nutmeg Place right behind our booth to unload. Heidi will finish our Guild flyer.
Arboretum Garden Party-It will be held on June 1 from 5-8 p.m., Susan Ogden will be speaking.
Spindle Camp-Held in June, contact Heidi for information
Black Sheep Gathering: June 22-24
Natural Dyes Workshop- will be held Aug. 4 & 5 at Marilynn’s, it is $50 per person. Nancy will have the sock blanks prepared and ready to hand out at the June meeting.
Celtic Faire-will be held the last weekend in September or the first weekend in October.

New Business:
Sharie discussed Plucky Fluff Yarns studio at Boeger Winery. Lexie Boeger wrote the book Intertwined, which is about carding to make novelty yarn. She will do more research and report at the retreat in September, if she can attend, and plan to do carding as the Learning Tree at the October meeting.
What shall we do at the Spinster Retreat in September? Dyeing, felting, needle felting? Please let Virva know what you want to do.

Show & Tell:
Heidi showed her alpaca scarf and told us that 3 kittens helped her make it. She also shared socks made from Blue Moon Fiber Arts yarn.
Linda shared that the Lion Brand “Amazing” wool/acrylic yarn is very similar to the Noro brand .
Carol shared a darling knitted baby doll, suited for a 2 year old, a hippo and a crocheted pig.
Sharie shared a scarf she made from knobby yarn that she then core spun to make the corkscrews and then she added beads while plying. She also showed green yarn from Morro Bay yarns, owned by Anna Harvey.

Max shared the baby layettes that she has started making again, her “shorty” sweaters, shawlette, alpaca yarns she has made, and her cotton spindle.
Sheila shared her shawl.
Ashley shared the stuffed Blue Dragon she made using the pattern on the Ravelry site.
Nancy shared her Chloe & Spud yarn and the baby “Leaf Blanket” . The pattern is in the free “Blue Sky Alpaca” booklet, available at Jimmy Bean’s. She also shared her dyed yarn, yarn core spun with carpet thread, and her cotton potholders.
Mimi shared her iPod pouches, hair noodles, and dread locks.
Virva told us about Farm Days in Carson City each year. Thousands of kids attend each year and they are so interested and sweet. She encouraged us to attend next year to show knitting, spinning, or whatever we wanted to do, and to let everyone know about our Guild. She also shared that she loves the Panda fiber she bought from Mimi. She said it was so easy to spin!

In attendance: Virva Porcelli, Mim Bullard, Jo Van Winkle, Marilynn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Nicole Kelly, Doris Woloszyn, Carol Nelson, Ashley Thibedeau, Susan Palwick, Sheila Young, Sharie Jones, Eileen Jacobs, Carol Lopez, Heidi Ericson, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Maxene Harlow.

We will be at Marilyns and will be doing some "Dead Flower Head" Dyeing
Remember if you are planning to dye "stuff" it needs to be mordant already. I think Nancy said she'll bring some sock planks already mordant and ready to go for you do dye if you don't have some fiber ready..
Also remind people we need 15 people  for Marilynn's dye workshop in August. We have 8 signed up already, need 7 more.

Marilyn Clarke’s home in Reno. Brown Bag Lunch
Driving Directions:    From the South-- Take HWY 395 to the McCarran off-ramp, turn left and follow McCarran WEST to Socrates, turn right and follow Socrates NORTH to Greenstone, turn left (WEST) for one block to Comstock, then turn right (NORTH) to the end of pavement. We are the second driveway (left) off the pavement.  From the North-- From HWY 395 take the North Virginia off-ramp and follow N. Virginia street southward just past McCarran Blvd to Comstock, then turn left  (NORTH) up Comstock to the end of pavement. We are the second driveway off the pavement. Address:  3503 Comstock Drive  - Telephone: 786-1709
There may be road construction around Marilyn's house. You can also take Socrates all the up to Sienna Station Way turn left and another lift on Silverstone. Park on Silverstone just past the house. Right down Silverstone a short way on your right.

Friday, May 11, 2012

April Minutes 2012

April 2012 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at Bartley Ranch in Reno, and started with introductions.  A correction to the March meeting minutes regarding the class size for the dye workshop. Workshop class size limited to 20 people. Treasurer Report: Guild bank balance currently at $3185.84. There are 36 paid members. Library Report: Discussion regarding Fleece and Fiber Source Book and binders with fiber information for a learning tree during a future meeting. Weaving Study: Please contact Nancy Prior if you are interested in hosting a weaving study group.
Old Business: Discussion regarding the Living History Day at Miguel Ribera Park on May 19th. There will be a shuttle bus provided from the parking lot to the event.
The May meeting will be held at Doris Wolozsyn’s home in Sierra Valley. Please see CSSW blog for directions. Farm City Days to be held at Fuji Park in Carson City May 10th and 11th. Spinners plan to set up inside the metal building at the park. Animals will be located in the barn area. Lunch will be provided. Children arrive at 8:45 am, and the day usually ends at approximately 2:00 pm.
Natural Dye Workshop will be held in August. It will be a two day class. Class size limited to 20 people. Cost is $50 for both days with materials and instructions included. Dates of class are August 3rd and 4th , or August  4th and 5th. Actual dates tba.
The electric spinner that was recently donated to the guild works. Libby is currently using it, but will make it available if you are interested in using it.
Discussion regarding Tahoe Art Exhibit. Please contact Virva for more information.
June meeting will be held at Marilynn  Clarke’s home in Reno. Marilynn will be having a dead head flower dye learning tree event after the meeting. Mordant info was handed out, so if you plan on dying something, please mordant your item prior to the meeting and bring it with you. The May Arboretum Society will be holding its plant sale and silent auction along with a speaker presentation by Scott Ogden and Lauren Springer Ogden. Events are scheduled for Friday June 1st with the 23rd annual plant sale on Saturday June 2nd. Friday’s event is $50 for lecture, and $75 includes lecture and book.
New Business: Warner Mountain Weavers is holding classes on spinning and weaving May 25th - 27th. May 27th the Sparks Museum will be holding a Celtic Exhibit. There is a small 4 harness Union loom for sale in Fallon. Asking price $450. Please contact Nancy Prior for information. The meeting sites for the summer months are as follows: May - Doris’ home. Come see the baby lambs! June - Marilynn Clarke’s home in Reno. Deadhead dye learning tree to be presented after the meeting. July - Mimi Bullard’s home in Red Rock. August - Wilbur May Arboretum in Reno. Meeting in front of the office. September - retreat at Davis Creek Park. Plan on camping for the weekend! Raffle prizes this month include a scarf donated by Myna, fleece donated by Mimi, felted childs slippers, and handwoven towels. There will be alpaca shearing at Jeanette Miller’s home in Red Rock the next 2 weekends. Anyone is invited to come out to see how it is done.  The meeting was followed with show and tell during lunch. Attendance included: Matthew Moses, Susan Moses, Eileen Jacobs, Carolyn Thompson, Marilyn Pearson, Heidi Ericson, Linda Lindsay, Kendra Iwahashi, Myna Giannotti, Ashley Thibedeau, Mary B, Susan Palwick, Barbara Hunt, Virva Porcelli, Mimi Bullard, Janet Schueller, Carol Lopez, Nancy Prior, Marilynn Clarke, Connie Vann, Sisa Grigg, Julie Smith, Sharin Rajki, Doris Woloszyn, Toni Strassburg. 
Directions to the May meeting
Doris Woloszyn’s in Chilcoot, California.  Hwy. 395 north from Reno, past Bordertown into California.  Exit 395 at Hwy. 70 to Portola/Quincy, turn left on Hwy. 70 going west for about 2 miles.  Turn left on Scott Road after crossing Long Valley Creek, before going up Beckwourth Pass.  Scott Road is dirt, and after 4/10 mile to the railroad crossing you’ll pass 2 homes(stay left on main road, not right up the hill), the railroad tracks and creek will be on your left.

Continue south on Scott Road for one and a half miles to a small bridge over Scott Creek. 
Another 4/10 mile to a large Cottonwood tree and the 3rd home, this is where the county stops grading the road so it’s a little rougher.  Another 2/10 mile to several buildings on hill with SPRAGUE sign, but stay to left and pass the driveway.  Next 3/10 mile the road curves from left to right up a small hill.  Stay to the right at the fork, going up the hill and look for my 404-185 sign on a “rock jack” fence corner.  This is where you turn right onto my driveway.

My driveway is 4/10 mile,  first straight with a wooden fence on the left and barb wire fence on the right, then at the next group of rock jacks curve right, down over the culvert and up hill to my house …cedar siding with a dark green metal roof and large wooden barn in back.  Sounds complicated but there are very few places out here.  I’ll try to put up some signs to help.  Call 530-993-4296 if you have questions or need help.

Monday, April 9, 2012

March 2012 Minutes

CSSW Minutes 3/10/2012
Treasurer’s Report:
We paid $15.00 to the Living History Event to cover the temporary business license.
We have 30 members and a balance of $2999.84.

Old Business:
Nancy Pryor will demonstrate weaving at the Living History event.
Black Sheep Gathering June 22-24, see Virva or Doris for more information
Felting and Dyeing will be the Learning Tree Workshops at the Spinner’s Retreat.

New Business:
Mar. 24, 25, 26 Weaving Workshop in Nevada City, CA hosted by Suzie Lyle from Eugene, OR
The cost is $105.00 each plus $35.00 for materials.
The Wilbur May Arboretum is having workshops on gardening:
Apr.4-High Desert Gardening
Apr. 11-High Desert Edible Gardening
May 2-Container Gardening
For more information please go to:
You may email them at
The May meeting will be held at Doris’s home.
May 18-20- Vogue Knitting Magazine Destination Experience is the Imperial Stock Ranch in Maupin, OR for more information please contact:
The June meeting is at Marilynn’s, and we’ll do flower dyeing. Dyeing wool with flowers.
The July meeting will be held at Mimi’s home. Lavender wands!
Aug. 4,5-Marilynn will be hosting a dyeing workshop for 200 students from 10-4
The fee is $50 each which includes the wool, dyes, and booklet.
Sept. 14-16-Knit & Crochet Show at the Grand Sierra. For more information please Google: The Knitting Guild of America
Oct. 21-27-SOAR will be held in Tahoe City, CA for more information please contact:
North Tahoe Arts Center in Tahoe City, CA has month long exhibits. We discussed putting together a Fiber & Fabric Exhibit. The month of May is open so Virva will get more information for us.

Donna Clark has some old spinning and weaving books from various authors and a handmade rustic table carder for sale.
Show & Tell:
Barbara showed the beautiful scarf she made. It was a Kleio pattern/Romi Hill
Carol showed her beautiful fibers for weaving.
Mary showed her Cubit square knitting needles and told how well they worked for her.
Connie shared her beautiful “wavy things” that she will be using as curtains.
Myna shared the darling stuffed Llama that she made for her friend’s child. She used a pattern she found on
Janet shared the very beautiful sweater she made from recycled yarn. She buys sweaters at thrift stores, takes them apart and reuses the yarn. Very clever and thrifty!
Max shared a Smurf hat, a Dinosaur hat, and a Mohawk hat that her son made from yarn Max made. She shared the darling knitted “Ella Elephant” in a tutu. She made it for a friend’s little one along with Ella’s very own trunk full of clothes.
Shari shared her gorgeous “Alpaca Challenge” sweater in burgundy and black. She showed her first full project (washing, spindling, plying) socks. She added the sparkle threads during plying.
Nancy shared her lovely “Piano Key” scarf. The pattern is free on the Lion Brand Yarn website. She also showed roving that she had dyed and/or over dyed and then spun.
Marilynn showed a beautiful lacey, beaded scarf she had made from alpaca/merino/silk.
Valerie showed her lovely knitted headband.

In attendance were: Virva Porcelli, Mimi Bullard, Jo Van Winkle, Marilynn Clarke, Nancy Pryor, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow, Janet Schueller, Susan Palwick, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Myna Gianotti, Ashley Thibedeau, Kendra Iwahashi, Connie Vann, Valerie Harnoitz, David Armer, Matthew Moses, Susan Moses, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Caril Lopez, Mary B., Libby Hejny, Barbara Hunt.

Our April meeting is on April 14th at Bartley Ranch Park in the school house.

Bartley Ranch:.  Drive .8 mile west from the intersection of McCarran Blvd and Hwy 395.  Turn left (south) on Lakeside Drive and continue .4 mile.  Bartley Ranch is at the north base of Windy Hill.  Turn left on Bartley Ranch Road and continue several hundred feet to the main parking lot.  Cross the covered bridge and turn right into the parking lot for the School House.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

February Meeting Minutes 2012

The February meeting was held at Bartley Ranch Regional Park in the school house. We opened with introductions as there were many guests present. Guests included Lisa, Julie, Sharon, Matthew, Ashley, Kendra, and Myna. Welcome to all who joined us for the first time, and we hope to see you again.
January meeting minutes were approved with one minor change. That change was in regard to a dollar amount of $850. Instead of $850 it should read $350. Thank you very much to Jo Van Winkle for taking care of the January minutes.
Treasurer Report: The guild has a total balance of $2921.85 on account. Please be advised, liability insurance will be due in March. A new check endorsement stamp was approved at a cost of $33. The old stamp had to be retired after ten years of faithful service.
Heidi brought several items from the guild library. Please contact Heidi Ericson if you need something from the guild library.
Weaving Study Group: If you are interested in learning about your loom, please contact Nancy Prior to set up a lesson.
Old Business: Please sign the card for Nancy Grundy. As many of you know, Nancy has been undergoing some health issues, and our thoughts and positive energy are with her.
Discussion followed regarding the Living History day at Miguel Ribera Park on May 19th. Please contact Mimi Bullard if you are interested in selling items at the history day, as there is paperwork to be filled out and signed.
This year Spindle Camp will be held at Lake Francis June 13th through the 17th. The camp is located near Dobbins, California. Please contact Virva Porcelli if interested.
Black Sheep Gathering is coming! This year’s date is June 22nd through the 24th. Plan on making your hotel reservations soon, as there is usually a track and field tournament in Eugene Oregon the same weekend, so hotel rooms fill up fast.
New Business: Discussion regarding the blog and removing some of the old information.
There was discussion about changing the format of the monthly meetings. Do you prefer shorter meetings? Learning tree every month? It was generally decided that there might be some changes to the learning tree portion of the meeting, with the meeting format to remain the same.
Farm City Days at Fuji Park in Carson City will be held May 9th and 10th this year. Guild members are welcome to come and spend both days inside the building to demonstrate fiber related activities to elementary school age children. Lunch is provided by the Nevada Cattlewoman’s Association.
Good news if you are a fan of the Celtic Highlands Fair. There is a bus to Woodland this year! If you are interested in attending, please contact Mark Lindsay , and do it soon as seats on the bus should fill up soon. The Highlands games will be held April 28 th.
There is a viola for sale - Please contact  Susan for info. There was an electric spinner donated to the guild by Lorraine. Nancy will take it home and make sure it is in working condition.
Show and Tell: Virva -skein holder made by a friend, books, magazine. Libby - shawl from a crystal palace pattern made from panda silk. Barbara- shawl using small needles, short row scarf from a ravelry pattern. Mim - felted dreadlocks and dreads with emu feathers. Marilyn P - alpaca gloves, bag. Janet - vest. Susan - hand woven scarf auctioned off as a fundraiser . Sharon and Julie- knitted and fulled bags.  Sheila - knitted baby sweater. Linda - socks from Mim’s fiber. Sharie - I cord scarf using size 30 needles, scarf made from hand spun art yarn. Max - scarf made from blank dyed at the retreat, socks made from yarn leftovers, skirt knit from her and Heidi’s design pattern, and a sweet story regarding Valentine Past and Present.
Max also had a Valentine gift for all present! Thank you very much Maxine, for such an nice surprise.
Gary and Malinda Parks also put in a request for assistance regarding finding hosts for the upcoming student exchange program at Sageridge School in Reno Nevada. If you think you are interested in being a host family, or know of someone who might be interested, please contact Gary or Malinda for more information. Thank you!
Those in attendance were: Mimi Bullard, Jo Van Winkle, Carolyn Thompson, Sharon Rajki (sp?), Julie Smith, Lisa Grigg, Janet Schuler, Carol Lopez, Barbara Hunt, Libby Hejny, Virva Porcelli, Sharie L. Jones, Maxene Harlow, Myna Giannotti, Kendra Iwahashi, Ashley Thibedeau, Sheila Young, Heidi Ericson, Linda and Mark Lindsay, Connie Vann, Susan Palwick, Eileen Jacobs, Janet Drozd, Judy Wells, Marilyn Pearson, David Armer, Matthew Moses, Toni Strassburg

Our next meeting will be March 10 th at the Skye Peak Rec Hall 

Sky Peak Ranch: Sky Peaks in Northwest Reno.  A map is available here:  You can access it from 4th street a little west of Truckee River Nursery or from a road you can enter on McCarran going south turning to the right like you wanted to reach Home Depot. At that stop sign, turn right, keep going for awhile through a light and go another few blocks and Sky Peaks is on the left. The community room is on the back or NW side.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

January 2012 Minutes

Minutes 1/14/12
Treasurer’s Report: We have $2853.85 in the account and 47 members. Doris will reserve the Davis Creek campsite for $350.00. The Guild donated $500 to the Heifer Project.
Old Business:
The December minutes were approved. Everyone thanked Maxene Harlow for doing the Reindeer Games at the December meeting!
If anyone is interested in starting a Weaving Group, please contact Nancy Pryor. She will come to your house to lead it.
Marilynne Clarke sent flowers from the Guild to Nancy Grundy and Virva will get a card for everyone to sign to send to her.
January 27th-29th-Spinning Intensive Workshop with Abby Franquemot, put on by the Foothill Fiber Guild. The cost for the workshop is $225. Contact Virva for more information.
New Business:
May 19th- Living History Fair at Miguel Rivera Park on Neil Road, for more information contact Virva.
June 13th-17th- Spindle Camp, put on by Foothill Fiber Club. It will be held at Lake Francis, near Marysville, CA. For more information contact Virva.
Please contact Virva with feedback on what you would like to see in the meetings. Format changes, length of meetings, suggestions?
Any ideas for Learning Trees to submit? Please contact Mim or Virva.
Show and Tell:
Barbara shared a Universal Acrylic/Wool Shawl, a Banded Silk Shawl in Module Knit. Patterns and information may be found at
Judy shared a knitted vest she had made.
Linda shared the “Felted Tree” dream catcher, her niece had made her for Christmas, after Linda had introduced her to felting. Linda showed the 3-toed and 6-toed socks she had made for another niece, the toes number is an ongoing joke between them.
Mimi shared pieces of colorfully dyed felt to be used for felted flowers made by her niece. She also shared felted “Noodles” to be used as hair ornaments/dread locks, necklaces or bracelets.
Mary shared her sage green scarf using Stephanie’s pattern and a Pi r2 Shawl in cream.
Max shared several commission items. A knitted jacket she is making for a horsewoman in Alabama. 

  A December Lights Tam Kit hat that she made for Phyllis in Berkeley, CA. She used an embroidery hoop to block press the crease in the hat. She shared knitted earrings she had made. She reported that Rudge, a cotton grower in Clarksdale, Mississippi, will send her a quantity of cotton sliver for us to experiment with.
Nancy shared several hats, the jester type hat pattern can be found on the Vogue knitting site.
Janet shared a funny excerpt from the book The Shipping News by Annie Proulx.
Heidi demonstrated how to use the charka and inkle looms kits that are available to be borrowed from the Guild.
In attendance: Mary B., Janet Drozd, Eileen Jacobs, Marilyn Pearson, Connie Vann, Victoria Klasch, Barbara Hunt, Susan Palwick, Virva Porcelli, Sharie Jones, Maxene Harlow, Mimi Bullard, Jo Van Winkle, Mark and Linda Lindsay, Marilynne Clarke, Doris Woloszyn, Heidi Ericson, Nancy Pryor, Judy Wells, Janet Schueller

Our next meeting will be on February 11th at Bartley Ranch School House.

Driving Directions:
Bartley Ranch:.  Drive .8 mile west from the intersection of McCarran Blvd and Hwy 395.  Turn left (south) on Lakeside Drive and continue .4 mile.  Bartley Ranch is at the north base of Windy Hill.  Turn left on Bartley Ranch Road and continue several hundred feet to the main parking lot.  Cross the covered bridge and turn right into the parking lot for the School House.